Ной Гордон биография автора, книги

Ной Гордон

Ной Гордон

Ной Гордон (Noah Gordon) - американский романист.

Родился 11 ноября 1926 г. в Уорчестере, шт. Массачусетс (Worcester, Massachusetts).

Some of the topics covered within his novels include medical history, and medical ethics, and more recently he has begun to focus more on themes relating to the Inquisition, and Jewish cultural history.

Gordon was born on November 11, 1926 in Worcester, Massachusetts, the second child of Robert Gordon and his wife, Rose.
He was called Noah in memory of my mother's father, Noah Melnikoff, who had died only a few months before. His grandmother, Sarah Melnikoff, lived with the family for the next 35 years and was like a second mother to him.

Gordon grew up in a working class neighborhood of Worcester and studied at Union Hill School, on Dorchester Street.
In February of 1945, he was graduated from Classical High School. He served in the United States Infantry.
His parents, who could not have afforded medical school tuitions, nevertheless pressured him to study medicine. The medical profession represented the kind of financial security his family had never had. Gordon tried a pre-medical course for one semester, and then changed to journalism without telling his parents.
In 1950 he received a Bachelor of Science in Journalism at Boston University and a year after an M.A. in English and Creative Writing.

Gordon went to New York and got a job as a junior editor in the periodicals department of the Avon Publishing Co., and married with Lorraine Seay. He worked at Avon for two years and then on a small-size news and picture magazine called "Focus".

When his first son was born they returned to Massachusetts and after a year of trying to make it as a freelancer, he went to work as a reporter on his hometown newspaper, "The Worcester Telegram".

In 1959 Gordon was hired by "The Boston Herald", which was a morning newspaper, like the "Telegram". For a time he was a general assignment reporter, but it was the start of an era of great scientific and medical advancement, and he began to dream up assignments in those fields. Dr. Richard Ford, head of the pathology department at Harvard Medical School, invited him to observe several autopsies and ask questions. During his time at "The Herald" he also served as editor of "The Journal of Abdominal Surgery". Within a short time he was appointed "The Herald's" science editor.

He published two paperback novels about nursing, one of which became a back-of-the-book novel in "Redbook Magazine", and he also began to write freelance scientific and medical articles, selling to "The Saturday Evening Post", "Coronet"," The Saturday Review", " The Reporter", "Medical World News", "Medical Tribune", and other periodicals.

The Rabbi , written out of his own experiences as a member of an American Jewish family, garnered wonderful reviews and was on "The New York Times" bestseller list for 26 weeks. His second book was The Death Committee , about the formative years of three young doctors in a Boston teaching hospital. To research it, he attended mortality conferences at two leading Boston hospitals.

After several years of publishing "Psychiatric Opinion", Gordon was asked to found and publish a hard-data research journal in the field of human stress. He formed a blue-ribbon international editorial board of renowned bench scientists and published "The Journal of Human Stress". He enjoyed publishing the two journals, but they were keeping him from writing novels, so in 1975 his wife began to shoulder much of the burden of journal publishing, freeing him to write The Jerusalem Diamond, the story of a gemstone and the people whose lives it affected.

After setitbusng in Ashfield, at the countryside, he outlined and then wrote a trilogy that would follow different generations of the Cole family, a dynasty of physicians dating back to the eleventh century. The first book of the Cole trilogy was The Physician, which follows Robert Jeremy Cole from his boyhood in England, through Europe to an Arab medical school in Persia, and beyond. The second novel of the series was Shaman, in which Robert Judson Cole goes from his native Scotland into the American frontier, where he must deal with depravations against the Indians, and the American Civil War. In the third book of the trilogy, Matters of Choice, Dr. Roberta Cole struggles to find her way through the pitfalls and challenges that every young doctor must face today.

The Physician sold 10,000 hard cover copies in America, a disastrous showing for a commercial novel. A year later, a publisher from Germany named Karl H. Blessing read the book in New York, loved it, and bought it. He made certain that every clerk in every book store in Germany received a reading copy, and the result was a publishing phenomenon in that country, where sales of The Physician have topped six million copies. At the same time, a similar phenomenon was occurring in Spain, and as news from both these countries reached publishers all over Europe, they flocked to buy the book.

Noah Gordon wrote The Physician using only library research. For his new book, The Last Jew, he made several trips to Spain. The steep, narrow streets of old Girona have changed little since the Middle Ages.

Recently his first children's book, Sam and Other Animal Stories, was published in Spain and soon will appear in other countries. He wrote the stories to give children glimpses of wild animals that are different from silly cartoon characters or listless creatures imprisoned in zoos.

Several years ago they left the Berkshire Hills and moved back to the Boston area and sold the Ashfield's property.

[]iКраткая библиография[/i]:
The Rabbi (1965)
The Death Committee (1969)
The Jerusalem Diamond (1979)
The Physician (1986) (Cole family trilogy)
Shaman (1992) (Cole family trilogy)
Matters of Choice (1996) (Cole family trilogy)
The Last Jew (2000)
Sam and Other Animal Stories (2002) (children's stories)
The Bodega (2007)

Официальный сайт: http://www.noahgordonbooks.com/

C сайта http://www.booksfactory.com/writers/gordon.htm

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