Примечания книги Все мы смертны. Автор книги Атул Гаванде

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Книга Все мы смертны
Это книга о старении, смертельной болезни, смерти – то есть о вещах, которых мы так боимся, что стараемся вообще не думать о них, вытеснить на периферию сознания. Автор книги, знаменитый американский хирург Атул Гаванде, уверен, что прятать голову в песок неправильно: смерть – часть жизни, ее естественное завершение, и именно в таком качестве, осознанно и спокойно, и следует ее принимать. Беда в том, что старость и умирание в современной культуре проходят по ведомству медицины, которая считает смерть просто процедурной неудачей, фатальным техническим сбоем. Не пытаясь понять, что на самом деле важно и ценно для человека в последние месяцы, недели и дни его жизни, мы героически «боремся до последнего», испытывая на терминальном больном все новые способы лечения – столь же мучительные, сколь и бесполезные. Как изменить эту ситуацию? Как найти нужные слова для близких, чья жизнь подходит к концу? Как научиться правильно относиться к смерти?

Примечания книги


Пер. Г. Яропольского.


A. Gawande Complications. Metropolitan Books, 2002.


National Office of Vital Statistics Vital Statistics of the United States, 1945. Government Printing Office, 1947. Р. 104.; https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/vsus/vsus_1945_1.pdf.


J. Flory et al. Place of Death: U. S. Trends since 1980 // Health Affairs 23 (2004): 194–200; http://content.healthaffairs.org/content/23/3/194.full.html.


A. Kellehear A Social History of Dying. Cambridge University Press, 2007.


S. Nuland How We Die: Reflections on Life’s Final Chapter. Knopf, 1993.


P. Thane ed. A History of Old Age. John Paul Getty Museum Press, 2005.


D. H. Fischer Growing Old in America: The Bland-Lee Lectures Delivered at Clark University. Oxford University Press, 1978. См. также C. Haber and B. Gratton Old Age and the Search for Security: An American Social History. Indiana University Press, 1994.


C. A. Kirk Emily Dickinson: A Biography. Greenwood Press, 2004.


R. Posner Aging and Old Age. University of Chicago Press, 1995, см., в частности, главу 9.


Fischer Growing Old in America.


A. Achenbaum Old Age in the New Land. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1979.


United States Census Bureau; https://www.nrc.gov/docs/ML1208/ML120810045.pdf.


World Bank; http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.POP.65UP.TO.ZS.


China’s Demographic Time Bomb // Time, Aug. 31, 2011; http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2091308,00.html.


Posner, гл. 9.


Haber and Gratton // PP. 24–25, 39.


E. Arias United States Life Tables // National Vital Statistics Reports 62 (2014): 51.


L. E. Jones and M. Tertilt An Economic History of Fertility in the U. S., 1826–1960. NBER Working Paper Series, Working Paper 12796, 2006; http://www.nber.org/papers/w12796.


Fischer appendix, table 6.


L. Rosenmayr and E. Kockeis Propositions for a Sociological Theory of Aging and the Family // International Social Science Journal 15 (1963): 410–424.


Haber and Gratton. P. 44.


E. Klinenberg Going Solo: The Extraordinary Rise and Surprising Appeal of Living Alone. Penguin, 2012.


European Commission, i2010 Independent Living for the Ageing Society; http://www.lu.lv/materiali/biblioteka/es/pilnieteksti/nodarbinatiba/i2010.%20Independent%20Living%20for%20the%20Ageing%20Society.pdf.


J. A. Trolander From Sun Cities to the Villages. University Press of Florida, 2011.


J. R. Lunney et al. Patterns of Functional Decline at the End of Life // Journal of the American Medical Association 289 (2003): 2387–2392. Приведенные графики взяты из этой статьи с небольшими изменениями.


National Center for Health Statistics Health United States 2012: With Special Feature on Emergency Care. Washington, DC: U. S. Government Printing Office, 2013.


J. R. Lunney, J. Lynn, and C. Hogan Profiles of Older Medicare Decedents // Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 50 (2002): 1109. См. также Lunney et al., Patterns of Functional Decline.


G. Gibson and L. C. Niessen Aging and the Oral Cavity в: Geriatric Medicine: An Evidence-Based Approach, ed. C. K. Cassel. Springer, 2003. PP. 901–919. См. также I. Barnes and A. Walls Aging of the Mouth and Teeth // Gerodontology. John Wright, 1994.


J. R. Drummond, J. P. Newton, and R. Yemm Color Atlas and Text of Dental Care of the Elderly. Mosby-Wolfe, 1995. PP. 49–50.


J. J. Warren et al. Tooth Loss in the Very Old: 13–15 Year Incidence among Elderly Iowans // Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 30 (2002): 29–37.


A. Hak et al. Progression of Aortic Calcification Is Associated with Metacarpal Bone Loss during Menopause: A Population-Based Longitudinal Study // Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 20 (2000): 1926–1931.


H. Yoon et al. Calcium Begets Calcium: Progression of Coronary Artery Calcification in Asymptomatic Subjects // Radiology 224 (2002): 236–241; Hak et al. Progression of Aortic Calcification.


N. K. Wenger Cardiovascular Disease в кн.: Geriatric Medicine, ed. Cassel. Springer, 2003; B. Lernfeit et al. Aging and Left Ventricular Function in Elderly Healthy People // American Journal of Cardiology 68 (1991): 547–549.


J. D. Walston Sarcopenia in Older Adults // Current Opinion in Rheumatology 24 (2012): 623–627; E. J. Metter et al. Age-Associated Loss of Power and Strength in the Upper Extremities in Women and Men // Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences 52A (1997): B270.


E. Carmeli The Aging Hand // Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences 58A (2003): 146–152.


R. Arking The Biology of Aging: Observations and Principles. 3rd ed. Oxford University Press, 2006; A. S. Dekaban Changes in Brain Weights During the Span of Human Life: Relation of Brain Weights to Body Heights and Body Weights // Annals of Neurology 4 (1978): 355; R. Peters Ageing and the Brain // Postgraduate Medical Journal 82 (2006): 84–85; G. I. M. Craik and E. Bialystok Cognition Through the Lifespan: Mechanisms of Change // Trends in Cognitive Sciences 10 (2006): 132; R. S. N. Liu et al. A Longitudinal Study of Brain Morphometrics Using Quantitative Magentic Resonance Imaging and Difference Image Analysis // NeuroImage 20 (2003): 26; T. A. Salthouse Aging and Measures of Processing Speed // Biological Psychology 54 (2000): 37; D. A. Evans et al. Prevalence of Alzheimer’s Disease in a Community Population of Older Persons // JAMA 262 (1989): 2251.


R. E. Ricklefs Evolutionary Theories of Aging: Confirmation of a Fundamental Prediction, with Implications for the Genetic Basis and Evolution of Life Span // American Naturalist 152 (1998): 24–44; R. M. Zammuto Life Histories of Birds: Clutch Size, Longevity, and Body Mass among North American Game Birds // Canadian Journal of Zoology 64 (1986): 2739–2749.


C. Mobbs Molecular and Biologic Factors in Aging в: Geriatric Medicine, ed. Cassel; L. A. Gavrilov and N. S. Gavrilova, Evolutionary Theories of Aging and Longevity // Scientific World Journal 2 (2002): 346.


S. J. Olshansky The Demography of Aging в: Geriatric Medicine, ed. Cassel; Kellehear, A Social History.


Пер. А. Бобовича и др.


G. Kolata Live Long? Die Young? Answer Isn’t Just in Genes // New York Times, Aug. 31, 2006; K. Christensen and A. M. Herskind, Genetic Factors Associated with Individual Life Duration: Heritability в кн.: J. M. Robine et al., eds., Human Longevity, Individual Life Duration, and the Growth of the Oldest-Old Population. Springer, 2007.


Gavrilov and Gavrilova Evolutionary Theories of Aging and Longevity.


A. K. Freeman and M. Gordon Dermatologic Diseases and Problems в: Geriatric Medicine, ed. Cassel, 869.


A. Terman and U. T. Brunk Lipofuscin. International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology 36 (2004): 1400–1404; Freeman and Gordon Dermatologic Diseases and Problems.


R. A. Weale Age and the Transmittance of the Human Crystalline Lens // Journal of Physiology 395 (1988): 577–587.


Olshansky The Demography of Aging; дополнительные данные по пирамиде популяции можно посмотреть на сайте http://populationpyramid.net.


M. E. Pollack Intelligent Technology for an Aging Population: The Use of AI to Assist Elders with Cognitive Impairment // AI Magazine (Summer 2005): 9–25. См. также Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Economic Conditions and Emerging Risks in Banking: A Report to the FDIC Board of Directors, May 9, 2006, http://www.fdic.gov/deposit/insurance/risk/2006_02/Economic_2006_02.html.


Данные по числу дипломированных геронтологов Американского совета по медицинским специализациям и Американского совета по терапии.


M. Gillick/ The Denial of Aging: Perpetual Youth, Eternal Life, and Other Dangerous Fantasies. Harvard University Press, 2006.


C. Boult et al. A Randomized Clinical Trial of Outpatient Geriatric Evaluation and Management // Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 49 (2001): 351–359.


Данные Американского совета по медицинским специализациям и Американского совета по психиатрии и неврологии; L. E. Garcez-Leme et al. Geriatrics in Brazil: A Big Country with Big Opportunities // Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 53 (2005): 2018–2022; C. L. Dotchin et al. Geriatric Medicine: Services and Training in Africa // Age and Ageing 41 (2013): 124–128.


D. C. Grabowski, C. M. Campbell, and M. A. Morrissey Elderly Licensure Laws and Motor Vehicle Fatalities // AMA 291 (2004): 2840–2846.


J. Spano Jury Told Weller Must Pay for Killing 10 // Los Angeles Times, Oct. 6, 2006; http://articles.latimes.com/2006/oct/06/local/me-weller6


Перевод Ю. Шор.


M. L. Nassau Old Age Poverty in Greenwich Village: A Neighborhood Study. Fleming H. Revell Co., 1915.


M. Katz In the Shadow of the Poor house. Basic Books, 1986; M. Holstein and T. R. Cole The Evolution of Long-Term Care in America в кн.: The Future of Long-Term Care, ed. R. H. Binstock, L. E. Cluff, and O. Von Mering. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996.


State Charities Commission Second Annual Report of the State Charities Commission, 1912. Рр. 457–508; Virginia State Board of Charities and Corrections First Annual Report of State Board of Charities and Corrections, 1909.


Haber and Gratton Old Age and the Search for Security.


M. Barber Crotchety Harry Truman Remains an Icon of the Eruption // Seattle Post – Intelligencer, March 11, 2000; S. Rosen. Truman of Mt. St. Helens: The Man and His Mountain. Madrona Publishers, 1981. Трумэну посвящены две песни: кантри-хит Harry Truman, Your Spirit Lives On Р. У. Стоуна (1980) и сингл Harry Truman инди-рок-группы Headgear (2007).


L. Thomas The Youngest Science. Viking, 1983.


A. P. Chung, M. Gaynor, and S. Richards-Shubik Subsidies and Structure: The Last Impact of the Hill – Burton Program on the Hospital Industry // National Bureau of Economics Research Program on Health Economics meeting paper, April 2013; http://www.nber.org/papers/w22037.


Главный источник по истории домов престарелых – B. Vladeck Unloving Care: The Nursing Home Tragedy. Basic Books, 1980. См. также Holstein and Cole Evolution of Long-Term Care, а также архивные данные о бостонских домах призрения: https://www.cityofboston.gov/images_documents/Guide%20to%20the%20Almshouse%20records_tcm3–30021.pdf.


Американский термин nursing home (дословно – “дом с сестринским уходом”) имеет более широкий смысл, чем “дом престарелых”. Его пациенты – необязательно хронические больные и необязательно старики. Это может быть любой человек, нуждающийся в длительном уходе или лечении. Содержание в nursing home, как правило, существенно дешевле, чем в больнице.


Vladeck Unloving Care.


E. Goffman Asylums. Anchor, 1961. Его точку зрения подтверждает работа C. W. Lidz, L. Fischer, and R. M. Arnold, The Erosion of Autonomy in Long-Term Care. Oxford University Press, 1992.


G. Spitze and J. Logan Sons, Daughters, and Intergenerational Social Support // Journal of Marriage and Family 52 (1990): 420–430.


K. B. Wilson “Historical Evolution of Assisted Living in the United States, 1979 to the Present// Gerontologist 47, special issue 3 (2007): 8–22.


K. B. Wilson, R. C. Ladd, and M. Saslow Community Based Care in an Institution: NewApproaches and Defi nitions of Long Term Care, доклад на 41 й ежегодной научной конференции Американского геронтологического общества, Сан-Франциско, ноябрь 1988 г. Цит. по Wilson Historical Evolution.


A. H. Maslow A Theory of Human Motivation // Psychological Review 50 (1943): 370–396. [Рус. изд.: Маслоу А. Мотивация и личность. СПб.: Евразия, 1999. С. 77–105 (с сокращ.).]


D. Field and M. Minkler Continuity and Change in Social Support between Young-Old, Old-Old, and Very-Old adults // Journal of Gerontology 43 (1988): 100–106; K. Fingerman and M. Perlmutter Future Time Perspective and Life Events across Adulthood // Journal of General Psychology 122 (1995): 95–111.


L. L. Carstensen et al. Emotional Experience Improves with Age: Evidence Based on over 10 Years of Experience Sampling // Psychology and Aging 26 (2011): 21–33.


L. L. Carstensen and B. L. Fredrickson Influence of HIV Status on Cognitive Representation of Others // Health Psychology 17 (1998): 494–503; H. H. Fung, L. L. Carstensen, and A. Lutz Influence of Time on Social Preferences: Implications for Life-Span Development // Psychology and Aging 14 (1999): 595; B. L. Fredrickson and L. L. Carstensen Choosing Social Partners: How Old Age and Anticipated Endings Make People More Selective // Psychology and Aging 5 (1990): 335; H. H. Fung and L. L. Carstensen Goals Change When Life’s Fragility Is Primed: Lessons Learned from Older Adults, the September 11 Attacks, and SARS // Social Cognition 24 (2006): 248–278.


Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services Nursing Home Data Compendium. 2012 Edition. Government Printing Office, 2012.


C. Hawes et al. A National Survey of Assisted Living Facilities // Gerontologist 43 (2003): 875–882.


W. Thomas A Life Worth Living. Vanderwyk and Burnham, 1996.


J. Rodin and E. Langer Long-Term Effects of a Control-Relevant Intervention with the Institutionalized Aged // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 35 (1977): 897–902.


J. Royce The Philosophy of Loyalty. Macmillan, 1908.


M. P. Calkins Powell Lawton’s Contributions to Long-Term Care Settings // Journal of Housing for the Elderly 17 (2008): 1–2, 67–84.


R. Dworkin Autonomy and the Demented Self // Milbank Quarterly 64, supp. 2 (1986): 4–16.


C. M. Rudin et al. Lung Cancer in Never Smokers: A Call to Action // Clinical Cancer Research 15 (2009): 5622–5625.


C. Zhou et al. Erlotinib versus Chemotherapy for Patients with Advanced EGFR Mutation-Positive Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer // Lancet Oncology 12 (2011): 735–742.


C. P. Belani et al. Maintenance Pemetrexed plus Best Supportive Care (BSC) versus Placebo plus BSC: A Randomized Phase III Study in Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer // Journal of Clinical Oncology 27 (2009): 18s.


G. F. Riley and J. D. Lubitz Long-Term Trends in Medicare Payments in the Last Year of Life // Health Services Research 45 (2010): 565–576.


L. R. Shugarman, S. L. Decker, and A. Bercovitz “Demographic and Social Characteristics and Spending at the End of Life // Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 38 (2009): 15–26.


A. B. Mariotto, K. R. Yabroff, Y. Shao et al. Projections of the Cost of Cancer Care in the United States: 2010–2020 // Journal of the National Cancer Institute 103 (2011): 117–128. См. также M. J. Hassett and E. B. Elkin What Does Breast Cancer Treatment Cost and What Is It Worth // Hematology/Oncology Clinics of North America 27 (2013): 829–841.


A. A. Wright et al. Associations Between End-of-Life Discussions, Patient Mental Health, Medical Care Near Death, and Caregiver Bereavement Adjustment // Journal of the American Medical Association 300 (2008): 1665–1673.


P. A. Singer, D. K. Martin, and M. Kelner Quality End-of-Life Care: Patients’ Perspectives // Journal of the American Medical Association 281 (1999): 163–168; K. E. Steinhauser et al. Factors Considered Important at the End of Life by Patients, Family, Physicians, and Other Care Providers // Journal of the American Medical Association 284 (2000): 2476.


J. Lynn Sick to Death and Not Going to Take It Anymore // University of California Press, 2004.


J. Shinners, ed. Medieval Popular Religion, 1000–1500: A Reader, 2nd ed. Broadview Press, 2007.


D. G. Faust This Republic of Suffering. Knopf, 2008, PP. 10–11.


M. Heron Deaths: Leading Causes for 2009 // National Vital Statistics Reports 61 (2009); https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24964584. См. также Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. Health at a Glance 2013; http://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/social-issues-migration-health/health-at-a-glance-2013_health_glance-2013 en;jsessionid=i7v80n3bs7jd.x-oecd-live-02.


N. A. Christakis and E. B. Lamont Extent and Determinants of Error in Doctors’ Prognoses in Terminally Ill Patients: Prospective Cohort Study // BMJ 320 (2000): 469–473.


E. J. Gordon and C. K. Daugherty ‘Hitting You Over the Head’: Oncologists’ Disclosure of Prognosis to Advanced Cancer Patients // Bioethics 17 (2003): 142–168; W. F. Baile et al. Oncologists’ Attitudes Toward and Practices in Giving Bad News: An Exploratory Study // Journal of Clinical Oncology 20 (2002): 2189–2196.


S. J. Gould The Median Isn’t the Message // Discover, June 1985.


Термин death panels появился в 2009 году в ходе политической полемики вокруг законопроекта о реформе здравоохранения (ныне известной как Obamacare). Республиканский губернатор штата Аляска Сара Пэйлин заявила, что законопроект демократов якобы предусматривает учреждение специальных “смертельных комиссий”, которые будут наделены правом решать, кого из терминальных пациентов следует лечить дальше, а кого надлежит отключить от системы страхования и доступа к медицинской помощи.


R. A. Rettig, P. D. Jacobson, C. Farquhar, and W. M. Aubry, False Hope: Bone Marrow Transplantation for Breast Cancer. Oxford University Press, 2007.


Centers for Diseases Control State Laws Relating to Breast Cancer. 2000.


E. A. Stadtmauer, A. O’Neill, L. J. Goldstein et al. Conventional-Dose Chemotherapy Compared with High-Dose Chemotherapy plus Autologous Hematopoietic Stem-Cell Transplantation for Metastatic Breast Cancer // New England Journal of Medicine 342 (2000): 1069–1076. См. также Rettig et al. False Hope.


R. Krakauer et al. Opportunities to Improve the Quality of Care for Advanced Illness // Health Affairs 28 (2009): 1357–1359.


C. M. Spettell et al. A Comprehensive Case Management Program to Improve Palliative Care // Journal of Palliative Medicine 12 (2009): 827–832. См. также Krakauer et al. Opportunities to Improve.


Spettel et al. A Comprehensive Case Management Program.


Wright et al. Associations Between End-of-Life Discussions.


J. S. Temel et al. Early Palliative Care for Patients with Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer // New England Journal of Medicine 363 (2010): 733–742; J. A. Greer et al. Effect of Early Palliative Care on Chemotherapy Use and End-of-Life Care in Patients with Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer // Journal of Clinical Oncology 30 (2012): 394–400.


S. R. Connor et al. Comparing Hospice and Nonhospice Survival among Patients Who Die Within a Three-Year Window // Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 33 (2007): 238–246.


B. J. Hammes Having Your Own Say: Getting the Right Care When It Matters Most. CHT Press, 2012.


Анализ данных Всемирного банка, 2013; http://www.worldbank.org/en/publication/global-economic-prospects.


Ernst & Young Hitting the Sweet Spot: The Growth of the Middle Class in Emerging Markets. 2013.


J. M. Lazenby and J. Olshevski Place of Death among Botswana’s Oldest Old // Omega 65 (2012): 173–187.


K. Hanson and P. Berman Private Health Care Provision in Developing Countries: A Preliminary Analysis of Levels and Composition // Data for Decision Making Project. Harvard School of Public Health, 2013; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10187592.


H. Ddungu Palliative Care: What Approaches Are Suitable in the Developing World? // British Journal of Haemotology 154 (2011): 728–735. См. также D. Clark et al. Hospice and Palliative Care Development in Africa // Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 33 (2007): 698–710; R. H. Blank End of Life Decision-Making Across Cultures // Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics (Summer 2011): 201–214.


D. Gu, G. Liu, D. A. Vlosky, and Z. Yi Factors Associated with Place of Death Among the Oldest Old // Journal of Applied Gerontology 26 (2007): 34–57.


National Center for Health Statistics Health, United States, 2010: With Special Feature on Death and Dying. 2011. См. также National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization NHPCO Facts and Figures: Hospice Care in America 2012 Edition,” 2012.


J. C. Weeks et al. Patients’ Expectations about Effects of Chemotherapy for Advanced Cancer // New England Journal of Medicine 367 (2012): 1616–1625.


E. J. Emanuel and L. L. Emanuel Four Models of the Physician-Patient Relationship // Journal of the American Medical Association 267 (1992): 2221–2226.


Ovarian Cancer // online American Cancer Society guide, 2014; http://www.cancer.org/cancer/ovariancancer/detailedguide.


A. Back, R. Arnold, and J. Tulsky Mastering Communication with Seriously Ill Patients. Cambridge University Press, 2009.


ODTAA (Оу-Ди-Ти-Эй-Эй) – название приключенческого романа английского писателя Джона Мейсфилда (1926), представляет собой аббревиатуру слов One Damned Thing After Another (“одна чертова проблема за другой”).


Office of Research, Ohio Development Services Agency // The Ohio Poverty Report, February 2014 (ODSA, 2014); http://cdn.gatehousemedia.com/custom-systems/ghns/files/upload/files/home/ghm_pubs/Ohio_Poverty_Report_2014.pdf.


Подробнее см. на сайте http://theathensvillage.org/. Кстати, им не помешают и ваши пожертвования.


Здесь и далее цитаты из “Лахета” даны в пер. С. Я. Шейнман-Топштейн.


D. Kahneman Thinking, Fast and Slow. Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2011. [Рус. изд.: Даниэль Канеман. Думай медленно, решай быстро. М.: АСТ, 2016.] См. также D. A. Redelmeier and D. Kahneman Patients’ Memories of Painful Treatments: Real-Time and Retrospective Evaluations of Two Minimally Invasive Procedures // Pain 66 (1996): 3–8.


Даниэль Канеман. Думай медленно, решай быстро. М.: АСТ, 2016.


Пер. А. Андреева, Ю. Деглиной, Н. Парфеновой.


A. E. Epstein et al. ACC/AHA/HRS 2008 Guidelines for Device-Based Therapy of Cardiac Rhythm Abnormalities // Circulation 117 (2008): e350 – e408. См. также R. A. Zellner, M. P. Aulisio, and W. R. Lewis Should Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators and Permanent Pacemakers in Patients with Terminal Illness Be Deactivated? Patient Autonomy Is Paramount // Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 2 (2009): 340–344.


S. Gibb et al. Mortality and Further Suicidal Behaviour After an Index Suicide Attempt: A 10 Year Study // Australia and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 39 (2005): 95–100.


См., в частности, закон об ассистированном самоубийстве штата Вашингтон, http://apps.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=70.245.


Euthanasia Carried Out in Nearly 3 Percent of Cases // Statistics Netherlands, July 21, 2012; https://www.cbs.nl/en-gb/news/2012/28/euthanasia-carried-out-in-nearly-3percent-of-cases.


British Medical Association Euthanasia: Report of the Working Party to Review the British Medical Association’s Guidance on Euthanasia. May 5, 1988, p. 49, n. 195. См. также A. M. The Verlossers Naast God: Dokters en Euthanasie in Nederland. Thoeris, 2009.


См., например, данные Oregon Health Authority Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act, 2013 Report; https://public.health.oregon.gov/ProviderPartnerResources/EvaluationResearch/DeathwithDignityAct/Documents/year16.pdf.


L. Emanuel and K. G. Scandrett Decisions at the End of Life: Have We Come of Age? // BMC Medicine 8 (2010): 57.

Автор книги - Атул Гаванде

Атул Гаванде

Атул Гаванде (англ. Atul Gawande родился 5 ноября 1965 года) — американский хирург, журналист, писатель. Широко известен как эксперт в области оптимизации современного здравоохранения. Общий хирург и хирург-эндокринолог в Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Бостон, Массачусеттс, первый заместитель руководителя Центра хирургии и общественного здоровья этой клиники. Аъюнкт-профессор Гарвардской медицинской школы. Постоянный автор материалов на медицинские темы в журналах The New Yorker и Slate. Автор бестселлеров «Чек-лист. Как избежать глупых ошибок, ведущих к ...

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