Примечания книги Управление без власти и контроля. Автор книги Ангус Риджвей, Тал Бен-Шахар

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Книга Управление без власти и контроля
Как руководителю развязать себе руки и перейти от оперативного управления к стратегическому? Авторы предлагают методику, отработанную топ-менеджерами крупнейших компаний. Достаточно сосредоточиться на 5 областях, которые помогут увеличить производительность и построить сеть лидеров на местах. Это позволит переключиться на более важные задачи и масштабировать ключевые изменения. Все теоретические аргументы подкреплены примерами из реальной практики.

Примечания книги


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Dhabhar, F. S., W. B. Malarkey, E. Neri, and B. S. McEwen. “Stress-Induced Redistribution of Immune Cells – From Barracks to Battlefields: A Tale of Three Hormones.” Psychoneuroendocrinology, 37.9, сентябрь 2012 г., pp. 1345–1368.


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Frederickson, B. L. “The Broaden-and-Build Theory of Positive Emotions.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 359, 2004, pp. 1367–1377.

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Schoenfeld, T. J., P. Rada, P. R. Pieruzzini, B. Hsueh, and E. Gould. “Physical Exercise Prevents Stress-Induced Activation of Granule Neurons and Enhances Local Inhibitory Mechanisms in the Dentate Gyrus.” The Journal of Neuroscience, 33.18,1 мая 2013 г., pp. 7770–7777.


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Tepper, Bennett J. “Abusive supervision in work organizations: Review synthesis, and research agenda.” Journal of Management 33, no. 3, июнь 2007 г.: 261–289.


Duffy, Michelle K., Daniel C. Ganster, and Milan Pagon. “Social Undermining in the Workplace.” Academy of Management Journal 45, no. 2, 2002: 331–351; Gastil, John. “A Meta-Analytic Review of the Productivity and Satisfaction of Democratic and Autocratic Leadership. ”Small Group Research 25, no. 3, август 1994 г.: 384–410; Harris, Kenneth J., K. Michele Kacmar, and Suzanne Zivnuska. “An Investigation of Abusive Supervision as a Predictor of Performance and the Meaning of Work as a Moderator of the Relationship.” Leadership Quarterly 18, no. 3, июнь 2007 г.: 252–263; Schyns, Birgit, and Jan Schilling. “How Bad are the Effects of Bad Leaders? A Meta-Analysis of Destructive Leadership and Its Outcomes.” Leadership Quarterly 24, no. 1, февраль 2013 г.: 138–158; Tepper, Bennett J., Jon C. Carr, Denise M. Breaux, Sharon Geider, Changya Hu, and Wei Hua. “Abusive Supervision, Intentions to Quit, and Employees’ Workplace Deviance: A Power/Dependence Analysis.” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 109, no. 2, июль 2009 г.: 156–167.


Harvey, Paul, Jason Stoner, Wayne Hochwarter, and Charles Kacmar. “Coping with Abusive Supervision: The Neutralizing Effects of Ingratiation and Positive Affect on Negative Employee Outcomes.” Leadership Quarterly 18, no. 3, июнь 2007 г.: 264–280; Tepper, Bennett J. “Consequences of Abusive Supervision.” Academy of Management Journal 43, no. 2, 1 апреля 2000 г.: 178–190.


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Wrzesniewski, Amy, Clark McCauley, Paul Rozin, and Barry Schwartz. “Jobs, Careers, and Callings: People’s Relations to Their Work.” Journal of Research in Personality 31, no. 1, 1997: 21–33.


Berg, Justin M., Adam M. Grant, and Victoria Johnson. “When Callings Are Calling: Crafting Workand Leisure in Pursuit of Unanswered Occupational Callings.” Organization Science 21, no.5, 2010: 973–994; Bunderson, J. Stuart, and Jeffery A. Thompson. “The Call of the Wild: Zookeepers, Callings, and the Double-edged Sword of Deeply Meaningful Work.” Administrative Science Quarterly 54, no. 1, март 2009 г.: 32–57; Cardador, M. Theresa, Erik Dane, and Michael G. Pratt. “Linking Calling Orientations to Organizational Attachment via Organizational Instrumentality.” Journal of Vocational Behavior 79, no. 2, 2011: 367–378; Wrzesniewski, Amy, Nicholas LoBuglio, Jane E. Dutton, and Justin M. Berg. “Job Crafting and Cultivating Positive Meaning and Identity in Work.” Chap. 13 in Vol. 1 of Advances in Positive Organizational Psychology. Edited by Arnold B. Bakker. Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Group, 2013.


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Lyubomirsky, Sonja, Laura King, and Ed Diener. “The Benefits of Frequent Positive Affect: Does Happiness Lead to Success?” Psychological Bulletin 131, no. 6, ноябрь 2005 г.: 803–855.


Lyubomirsky, Sonja, Rene Dickerhoof, Julia K. Boehm, and Kennon M. Sheldon. “Becoming Happier Takes Both a Will and a Proper Way: An Experimental Longitudinal Intervention to Boost Well-Being.” Emotion 11, no. 2, апрель 2011 г.: 391–402; Lyubomirsky, Sonja, Kennon M. Sheldon, and David Schkade. “Pursuing Happiness: The Architecture of Sustainable Change.” Review of General Psychology 9, no. 2, 2005: 111–131.


Lyubomirsky, Sonja. The How of Happiness: A Scientific Approach to Getting the Life You Want. New York: Penguin Group, 2007.


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Drucker, Peter. “Managing Oneself.” Chap. 6 in Management Challenges for the 21st Century. New York: Harper Business, 2001.


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Zenger and Folkman, “Develop Strengths.”


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Автор книги - Тал Бен-Шахар

Тал Бен-Шахар

Преподаватель и писатель Тал Бен-Шахар (Tal Ben-Shahar, talbenshahar.com) ведет в Гарвардском университете курсы Позитивной психологии и Психологии Лидерства, ставшие одними из самых популярных в истории Университета. Тал Бен-Шахар утверждает, что мы можем научиться быть более счастливыми точно так, как мы можем научиться водить машину или говорить на иностранном языке.

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