Книга Джоан Роулинг. Неофициальная биография создательницы вселенной «Гарри Поттера», страница 92. Автор книги Марина Ленти

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Cтраница 92

WALTERS G. — MITHRANDIR A. Ultimate Unofficial Guide to the Mysteries of Harry Potter (Analysis of Books 1–4). Wizarding World Press, Niles, IL, 2003.

YOLEN J. Wizard’s hall. Magic Carpet Books, S. Diego CA, 1999.

Видеоинтервью и выпуски телепередач

AITKENHEAD D. J. K. Rowling: «The worst that can happen is that everyone says, That’s shockingly bad». The Guardian, 22.09.2012, www.guardian.co.uk.

BYRNE J. J. K. Rowling: life after Harry Potter. ABC1, 27.09.2012, www.youtube.com.

McFADDEN C. J. K. Rowling’s next step. ABC News, 26.09.2012, www.youtube.com.

McFADDEN C. J. K. Rowling’s adults only. ABC News, 27.09.2012, www.youtube.com.

GOMPERTZ W. Arts editor J. K. Rowling on swearing for adults. BBC, 26.09.2012, www.bb.co.uk.

WINFREY O. J. K. Rowling — Intervista all’ «Oprah show». 01.10.2010, www.youtube.com.

RUNCIE J. A year in the life. ITV, 2007, www.youtube.com.

RUNCIE J. J. K. Rowling — Writing For Grown Ups. BBC, 30.09.2012, www.youtube.com.

RUNCIE J. Bath Literature Festival: J. K. Rowling on the freedom of Potter to bed, a new book for children… and her first snog. The Independent, 11.03.2013, www.theindependent.co.uk.

STAHL L. The Magic behind Harry Potter. Sixty Minutes (CBS News), 03.10.2002, www.cbsnews.com.

SUTHERLAND J. Live Aid against all odds. BBC, 2005, www.youtube.com.

SUTHERLAND J. Live Aid — Rockin’ All Over The World. BBC, 2005, www.youtube.com.

Harry Potter and Me. A&E Biography, 13.11.2002, www.youtube.com.

Harry Potter at the Castle — Magic at midnight. ITV special, 16.07.2007, www.youtube.com.

J. K. Rowling at Southbank Theatre. 27.09.2012, www.youtube.com.

Lie detector Ben Rowling, www.youtube.com.

Panel session on Harry Potter, British Business Embassy Creative Content Summit. 31.07.2012, www.youtube.com.

Who do you think you are? BBC1, Series 8, 2. J. K. Rowling, 17.08.2011, www.youtube.com.

Радиоинтервью и выпуски радиопередач

ANELLI M. Interview of Arthur Levine. Pottercast#22 — the origins of Harry potter, 17.01.2006, www.the-leaky-cauldron.org.

J. K. Rowling. BBC podcast, 01.08.1999, www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts.

NAUGHTIE J. James Naughtie talks to J. K. Rowling about one of her novels, Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone. BBC, 01.08.1999, www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts.

SALVATORI E. Harry Potter e l’apologia della Storia. Historycast, 16.07.2011, www.historycast.org.

Различные источники

FRY S. Living with Harry Potter. BBC Radio 4 transcript, 10.12.2005, www.accio-quote.org.

KING L. J. K. Rowling Discusses the Surprising Success of Harry Potter transcript, Larry King Live (CNN), 20.10.2000, www.accio-quote.org.

PULLMAN P. Carnegie Medal Acceptance Speech transcript, 1996, www.randomhouse.com.

A conversation with J. K. Rowling and Dan Radcliffe — contenuti speciali DVD Harry Potter e i Doni della Morte pt. 2. Barnes & Noble chat transcript, 08.08.1999, www.accio-quote.org.

Famous Scots: J. K. Rowling, www.rampantscotland.com.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince press conference transcript, CBBC Newsround, 18.07.2005, www.bbc.co.uk/newsround.

J. K. Rowling at the Edinburgh Book Festival transcript. Mugglenet, 15.08.2004, www.mugglenet.com.

J. K. Rowling interview transcript. The Connection (WBUR Radio), 12.10.1999, www.accio-quote.org.

Paramount Pictures Corp. v. Romulan Invasions, 7 United States Patents Quarterly 2d 1897. Red Nose Day Chat transcript. BBC Online, 12.03.2001, www.accio-quote.org.

The Rosie O’Donnell Show transcript. 21.06.1999, www.accio-quote.org.

Trascrizione dei verbali processuali relativi alla causa J. K. Rowling — Warner Bros v.RDR Books, 14–16 aprile 2008, Federal District Court, Souther District of New York. Leveson InquiryTranscript of Afternoon Hearing 24.11.2011. Leveson Inquiry Witness Statement of J. K. Rowling.

Pottermore in www.pottermore.com.







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