Книга Цифры не лгут. 71 факт, важный для понимания всего на свете, страница 50. Автор книги Вацлав Смил

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Переход на другие источники энергии: промедление неизбежно

International Energy Agency. World Energy Outlook 2019. Paris: IEA, 2019. https://www.iea.org/reports/world-energy-outlook‐2019

Smil V. Energy Transitions: Global and National Perspectives. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2017.

Транспорт. Как мы путешествуем

Через Атлантику: еще быстрее!

Griffiths D. Brunel’s Great Western. N. Y.: HarperCollins, 1996.

Newall P. Ocean Liners: An Illustrated History. Barnsley, South Yorkshire: Seaforth Publishing, 2018.

Двигатели старше велосипедов

Bijker W. E. Of Bicycles, Bakelites and Bulbs: Toward a Theory of Sociotechnical Change. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995.

Wilson D. G. Bicycling Science. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2004.

Удивительная история надувных шин

Automotive Hall of Fame. John Dunlop. Дата последнего доступа: декабрь 2019 г. https://www.automotivehalloffame.org/honoree/john-dunlop/.

Dunlop J. B. The History of the Pneumatic Tyre. Dublin: A. Thom & Co, 1925.

Когда началась эра автомобилей?

Casey R. H. The Model T: A Centennial History. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008.

Ford Motor Company. Our History – Company Timeline. Дата последнего доступа: декабрь 2019 г. https://corporate.ford.com/history.html

Вес и полезная нагрузка машин: соотношение ужасно!

Lotus Engineering. Vehicle Mass Reduction Opportunities. October 2010. https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2015-01/documents/10052010mstrs_peterson.pdf

US Environmental Protection Agency. The 2018 EPA Automotive Trends Report: Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Fuel Economy, and Technology since 1975. Executive summary, 2019. https://nepis.epa.gov/Exe/ZyPDF.cgi? Dockey=P100W3WO.pdf

Почему электромобили (пока что) не так хороши

Deloitte. New Market. New Entrants. New Challenges: Battery Electric Vehicles. 2019. https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Delo- itte/uk/Documents/manufacturing/deloitte-uk-battery-electric-vehicles.pdf

Qiao Q., et al. Comparative study on life cycle CO2 emissions from the production of electric and conventional cars in China // Energy Procedia 105 (2017): 3584–3595.

Реактивный век: начало

Smil V. Prime Movers of Globalization: The History and Impact of Diesel Engines and Gas Turbines. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2009.

Yenne B. The Story of the Boeing Company. L.: Zenith Press, 2010.

Почему керосин – король топлива

CSA B 836. Storage, Handling, and Dispensing of Aviation Fuels at Aerodromes. Toronto: CSA Group, 2014.

Vertz L., and S. Sayal. Jet fuel demand flies high, but some clouds on the horizon // Insight 57 (January 2018). https://cdn.ihs.com/www/pdf/Long-Term-Jet-Fuel-Outlook‐2018.pdf

Насколько безопасно летать самолетами?

Boeing. Statistical Summary of Commercial Jet Airplane Accidents: Worldwide Operations 1959–2017. Seattle, WA: Boeing Commercial Airplanes, 2017. https://www.boeing.com/resources/boeingdotcom/company/about_bca/pdf/stat sum.pdf

International Civil Aviation Organization. State of Global Aviation Safety. Montreal: ICAO, 2019. https://www.icao.int/safety/Documents/ICAO_SR_2019_29082019.pdf

Самолеты, поезда, авто – что сберегает энергию лучше?

Davis S. C., S. W. Diegel, and R. G. Boundy. Transportation Energy Data Book. Oak Ridge, TN: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2019. https://info.ornl.gov/sites/publications/files/Pub31202.pdf.

Sperling D., and N. Lutsey. Energy efficiency in passenger transportation // Bridge 39, № 2 (Summer 2009): 22–30.

Еда. Запасаемся энергией

Мир без синтетического аммиака

Smil V. Enriching the Earth: Fritz Haber, Carl Bosch, and the Transformation of World Food Production. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000.

Stoltzenberg D. Fritz Haber: Chemist, Nobel Laureate, German, Jew. Philadelphia, PA: Chemical Heritage Foundation, 2004.

Пшеница: умножаем урожай

Calderini D. F., and G. A. Slafer. Changes in yield and yield stability in wheat during the 20th century // Field Crops Research 57, № 3 (1998): 335–347.

Smil V. Growth: From Microorganisms to Megacities. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2019.

Пищевые отходы: непростительно много

Gustavsson J., et al. Global Food Losses and Food Waste. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2011.

WRAP. The Food Waste Reduction Roadmap – Progress Report 2019. September 2019. http://wrap.org.uk/sites/files/wrap/Food-Waste-Reduction_Roadmap_Progress-Report‐2019.pdf

Средиземноморская диета: долгое прощание

Tanaka T., et al. Adherence to a Mediterranean diet protects from cognitive decline in the invecchiare in Chianti study of aging. Nutrients 10, № 12 (2007). https://doi.org/10.3390/nu10122007

Wright C. A. A Mediterranean Feast: The Story of the Birth of the Celebrated Cuisines of the Mediterranean, from the Merchants of Venice to the Barbary Corsairs. N. Y.: William Morrow, 1999.

Голубой тунец: на пути к исчезновению

MacKenzie B. R., H. Mosegaard, and A. A. Rosenberg. Impending collapse of bluefin tuna in the northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean // Conservation Letters 2 (2009): 25–34.

Polacheck T., and C. Davies. Considerations of Implications of Large Unreported Catches of Southern Bluefin Tuna for Assessments of Tropical Tunas, and the Need for Independent Verification of Catch and Effort Statistics. CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Paper № 23, March 2008. http://www.iotc.org/files/proceedings/2008/wptt/ IOTC‐2008-WPTT-INF01.pdf

Куры правят миром

National Chicken Council. U. S. Broiler Performance. Updated March 2019. https://www.nationalchickencouncil.org/about-the-industry/statistics/u-s-broiler-performance/

Smil V. Should We Eat Meat?: Evolution and Consequences of Modern Carnivory. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.

(Не) пьем вино

Aurand J.-M. State of the Vitiviniculture World Market. International Organization of Vine and Wine, 2018. http://www.oiv.int/public/medias/6370/state-of-the-world-vitiviniculture-oiv‐2018-ppt.pdf

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