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[1275] Mommsen T. Die Römische Chronologie bis auf Caesar. — Berlin, 1859, 2 Aufl.

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[1298] Newton Isaac. The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms amended. To which is Prefix'd, A Short Chronicle from the First Memory of Things in Europe, to the Conquest of Persia by Alexander the Great. — London, J. Tonson, 1728. Переиздано в 1988 г. в издательстве; Histories and Mysteries of Man LTD. Lavender Walk, London SW111 LA, 1988.

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[1353] Ptolemaeus Claudius. Geographia. — Ed. Sebastian Miinster. Base! 1540. Репринтное переиздание: Series of Atlases, in Facsimile. Published by Theatrum Orbis Terrarum Ltd. Amsterdam, 1966. [1371] Robertson J.M. Pagan christs; studies in comparative hierology. — London, Watts & Co, 1911.

[1374] Rome Reborn. The Vatican Library and Renaissance Culture. Edited by Anthony Grafton. — Library of Congress, Washington, Yale University Press, New Haven, London, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vatican City, 1993.

[1379] Ross. Tacitus and Bracciolini. The Annals forged in the XV-th century. — London, 1878.

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[1459] The World Encompassed. An exhibition of the history of maps held at the Baltimore Museum of Art October 1 to November 23, 1952. — Published be the Trustees of the Walters Art Gallery. USA, Baltimore, Maryland, 1952.

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