Книга Стеклянная клетка. Автоматизация и мы, страница 59. Автор книги Николас Дж. Карр

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Cтраница 59

23. Jeremy Rifkin. The End of Work: The Decline of the Global Labor Force and the Dawn of the Post-Market Era. N. Y.: Putnam, 1995. xv – xviii.

24. Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee. Race against the Machine: How the Digital Revolution Is Accelerating Innovation, Driving Productivity, and Irreversibly Transforming Employment and the Economy // Lexington, Mass.: Digital Frontier Press, 2011. Более подробно Брюньольфссон и Макафи развивают свою аргументацию в: The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies. N. Y.: W. W. Norton, 2014.

25. March of the Machines // 60 Minutes. CBS, 2013. January 13. UPL: http://www. cbsnews.com/8301–18560_162–57563618/are-robots-hurting-job-growth/.

26. Bernard Condon and Paul Wiseman. Recession, Tech Kill Middle-Class Jobs // AP, 2013. January 23. UPL: http://www. bigstory.ap.org/article/ap-impactrecession-tech-kill-middle-class-jobs.

27. Paul Wiseman and Bernard Condon. Will Smart Machines Create a World without Work? // AP, 2013. January 25. UPL: http://www.bigstory.ap.org/article/will-smart-machines-create-world-without-work.

28. Michael Spence. Technology and the Unemployment Challenge // Project Syndicate, 2013. January 15. UPL: http://www. project-syndicate.org/commentary/global-supply-chains-on-the-move-by-michael-spence.

29. См. также: Timothy Aeppel. Man vs. Machine, a Jobless Recovery // Wall Street Journal, 2012. January 17.

30. Цитируется по книге: Thomas B. Edsall. The Hollowing Out // Campaign Stops (blog), New York Times, 2012. July 8. UPL: http://www. campaignstops.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/07/08/the-future-of-joblessness/.

31. См. также: Manufacturing Output, Productivity and Employment Implications / ed. Lawrence V. Kenton. N. Y.: Nova Science, 2005; Judith Ba– nister and George Cook. China’s Employment and Compensation Costs in Manufacturing through 2008 // Monthly Labor Review, 2011. March.

32. Tyler Cowen. What Export-Oriented America Means // American Interest. 2012. May/June.

33. Robert Skidelsky. The Rise of the Robots // Project Syndicate, 2013. February 19. UPL: http://www. project-syndicate.org/commentary/the-future-of-work-ina-world-of-automation-by-robert-skidelsky.

34. Там же.

35. Chrystia Freeland. China, Technology and the U. S. Middle Class // Financial Times, 2013. February 15.

36. Paul Krugman. Is Growth Over? // The Conscience of a Liberal (blog), New York Times, 2012. December 26. UPL: http://www. krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/12/26/is-growth-over/.

37. James R. Bright. Automation and Management. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University, 1958. Р. 4–5.

38. Там же. Р. 5.

39. Там же. Р. 4, 6. Курсив Брайта. Он прировнял определение автоматизации к определению механизации, данное Зигфридом Гидионом: «Механизация – это энергетическое средство, такое же, как вода, огонь или свет. Механизация слепа и сама по себе работать не может. Подобно силам природы, механизация зависит от способности человека ее использовать, защитив себя от связанных с нею опасностей. Поскольку механизация целиком и полностью возникает в мозгу человека, постольку она, в первую очередь, опасна для него самого». Giedion, Mechanization Takes Command. N. Y.: Oxford University Press, 1948. Р. 714.

40. David A. Mindell. Between Human and Machine: Feedback, Control, and Computing before Cybernetics // Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002. Р. 247.

41. Stuart Bennett. A History of Control Engineering, 1800–1930. London: Peter Peregrinus, 1979. Р. 99–100.

42. Norbert Wiener. The Human Use of Human Beings: Cybernetics and Society. N. Y.: Da Capo, 1954. Р. 153.

43. Eric W. Leaver and J. J. Brown. Machines without Men // Fortune, 1946. November. См. также: David F. Noble. Forces of Production: A Social History of Industrial Automation. N. Y.: Alfred A. Knopf, 1984. Р. 67–71.

44. Noble. Forces of Production. Р. 234.

45. Там же. Р. 21–40.

46. Wiener. Human Use of Human Beings. Р. 148–162.

47. По книге: Flo Conway and Jim Siegelman. Dark Hero of the Information Age: In Search of Norbert Wiener, the Father of Cybernetics. N. Y.: Basic Books, 2005. Р. 251.

48. Marc Andreessen. Why Software Is Eating the World // Wall Street Journal, 2011. August 20.

Глава третья. На автопилоте

1. Рассказ о катастрофе «Continental Connection» взят из доклада Национального комитета по происшествиям на транспорте AAR-10/01 // Loss of Control on Approach, Colgan Air, Inc., Operating as Continental Connection Flight 3407, Bombardier DHC 8–400, N200WQ, Clarence. N. Y.: 2009. February 12. Washington, D.C.: NTSB, 2010. UPL: http://www.ntsb.gov/doclib/reports/2010/aar1001.pdf. См. также: Matthew L. Wald. Pilots Chatted in Moments before Buffalo Crash // New York Times, 2009. May 12.

2. Associated Press Inquiry in New York Air Crash Points to Crew Error // Los Angeles Times, 2009. May 13.

3. Рассказ о катастрофе самолета Air France взят, в основном из: BEA. Final Report: On the Accident on 1st June 2009 to the Airbus A330–203, Registered F-GZCP, Operated by Air France, Flight AF447. Rio de Janeiro to Paris (официальный английский перевод). 2012. July 27. UPL: http://www.bea.aero /docspa/2009/f-cp090601.en/pdf/f-cp090601.en.pdf. См. также: Jeff Wise. What Really Happened Aboard Air France 447 // Popular Mechanics. 2011. December 6. UPL: http://www. popularmechanics.com/technology/aviation/crashes/what-really-hap– pened-aboard-air-france-447–6611877.

4. BEA, Final Report. Р. 199.

5. William Scheck. Lawrence Sperry: Genius on Autopilot // Aviation History, 2004. November; Dave Higdon. Used Correctly, Autopilots Offer Second-Pilot Safety Benefits. // Avionics News. 2010. May. George the Autopilot // Historic Wings, 2012. August 30. UPL: http://www.fly.historicwings.com/2012/08/george-the-autopilot/.

6. Now – The Automatic Pilot // Popular Science Monthly, 1930. February.

7. Post’s Automatic Pilot // New York Times. 1933. July 24.

8. James M. Gillespie. We Flew the Atlantic ‘No Hands // Popular Science, 1947. December.

9. Anonymous. Automatic Control // Flight, 1947. October 9.

10. Более подробно о работе NASA см.: Lane E. Wallace. Airborne Trailblazer: Two Decades with NASA Langley’s 737 Flying Laboratory. Washington, D.C.: NASA History Office, 1994.

11. William Langewiesche. Fly by Wire: The Geese, the Glide, the “Miracle” on The Hudson. N. Y.: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2009. Р. 103.

12. Antoine de Saint-Exupйry. Wind, Sand and Stars. N. Y.: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1939. Р. 20.

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