Книга Билл Гейтс. От первого лица. Нетерпеливый оптимист, страница 31. Автор книги Лайза Рогак

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Cтраница 31

…В нашем мире редко появляются…

Ina Fried. Bill Gates: I Will Miss Steve Immensely. All Things Digital. 2011. October 5.

URL: http://allthingsd.com/20111005/bill-gates-i-will-miss-steve-immensely/

…Из всех лидеров нашей индустрии…

Warren Buffett & Bill Gates: Keeping America Great. CNBC Town Hall Event. Columbia University. 2009. November 12.

URL: http://www.cnbc.com/id/33901003/CNBC_TRAN-SCRIPT_Warren_Buffett_Bill_Gates_Keeping_America_Great

Оптимизация бизнес-процессов

Robert Slater. Microsoft Rebooted: How Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer Reinvented Their Company. New York: Portfolio, 2004.


…Успех – паршивый учитель…

Bill Gates. The Road Ahead. New York: Viking, 1995. Ум – это способность схватывать.

Cynthia Crossen. The Rich & How They Got That Way. Boston: Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2001.

…Мы оказались в нужном месте в нужное время…

Jeffrey A. Krames. What The Best CEOs Know. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2005.

…Мы побеждаем, потому что…

Walter Isaacson. In Search of the Real Bill Gates // Time. 1997. January 13.

URL: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1120657,00.html

…С самого начала наш успех…

Bill Gates. The Road Ahead. New York: Viking, 1995.

Принимая успех как должное

Robert Cringely. Triumph of the Nerds. PBS. 1996. June.

URL: http://www.pbs.org/nerds/part1.html

Налогообложение богатых

Fareed Zakaria. Global Public Square. CNN. 2008. October 5.

URL: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0810/05/fzgps.01.html

Развитие технологий

…Создание и распространение…

Chris Marlowe. Out of the Mouth of Gates // Hollywood Reporter. 2002. September 5.

URL: http://www.homemediamagazine.com/news/from-the-hollywood-reporter-out-mouth-gates-3690

…Наблюдая развитие техники…

Speech. College Tour 2008. University of Washington. Seattle. 2008. April 25.

URL: http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/exec/billg/speeches/2008/04-25uw.mspx

Моральный износ технологий

H.W. Brands. Masters of Enterprise. New York: Free Press, 1999.

Технологии и образование

Alan Hughes. Can Bill Gates Save Our Schools? // Black Enterprise. 2011. October.

URL: http://m.blackenterprise.com/p.p?m=b&a=rp&id=66252&postId=409116963&postUserId=2609744

Бумы и спады технологий

Steve Levy. There’s No Year That I Didn’t Love My Job // Newsweek. 2008. June 21.

URL: http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2008/06/21/there-s-no-year-that-i-didn-t-love-my-job.html

Подростковый возраст

Steve Levy. Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution: 25th Anniversary Edition. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media, 2010.


The Bill Gates Interview // Playboy. 1994. July.


John Emmerling. Gates-ian Ideas Work in Ad Biz // Advertising Age. 1996. September 23.

URL: http://adage.com/article/news/forum-gates-ian-ideas-work-ad-biz-clear-direction-time-elements-winning-sys-tem-microsoft/77614/


Robert Slater. Microsoft Rebooted: How Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer Reinvented Their Company. New York: Portfolio, 2004.

Уоррен Баффетт

…Он наделен простым…

Oliver Burkeman. Bill Gates: I Don’t Want to be World’s Richest Man // Guardian. 2006. May 5.

URL: http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2006/may/05/citynews.digitalmedia

…Уоррен Баффетт ближе всех…

Charlie Rose. An Hour With Bill Gates. Charlie Rose Show. 2008. December 22.

URL: http://www.charlierose.com/download/transcript/10576

…Мы с Уорреном обожаем…

Warren Buffett & Bill Gates: Keeping America Great. CNBC Town Hall Event. Columbia University. 2009. November 12.

URL: http://www.cnbc.com/id/33901003/CNBC_TRAN-SCRIPT_Warren_Buffett_Bill_Gates_Keeping_America_Great

…Полагаю, Уоррен больше других…

Bill Gates Keynote Speech: A Conversation with Bill Gates. San Jose State. San Jose, CA. 1998. January 27.

URL: http://web.archive.org/web/20100909091356/http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/exec/billg/speeches/1998/sanjose.aspx

…Он любит учить…

Warren Buffett & Bill Gates: Keeping America Great. CNBC Town Hall Event. Columbia University. 2009. November 12.

URL: http://www.cnbc.com/id/33901003/CNBC_TRAN-SCRIPT_Warren_Buffett_Bill_Gates_Keeping_America_Great

Наблюдая лекции по химии

Todd Bishop, Tom Paulson. Q&A: Gates Talks About Letting Go, The Future and the Foundation // Seattle PostIntelligencer. 2008. June 23.

URL: http://www.seattlepi.com/business/article/Q-A-Gates-talks-about-letting-go-the-future-and-1277371. php#ixzz1h5X4TZNU

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