Книга Практическая психология для менеджера, страница 63. Автор книги А. Альтшуллер

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Cтраница 63

27. Eberspacher H, Renzland J. Leistungspahig und. – Sportinform Verlad. 1985.

28. Eysenck H. Manual of Eysenck Personality Inyentory. – London: Pelham Books, 1964.

29. Jacobson E. Progressiva Relaxation. – Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1938.

30. Koch R. The 80/20 Principle: The Secrete of Achieving more with Less. New York: Currency, 1998.

31. Mahoney M. Cognitive Thearupy and Research,1977, № 1.

32. Tracy B. Eat that frog! S.F.: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., 2001.

33. Harris D., Harris B. Mental Skills for Phusical People. – New York: Leisure Press, 1984.

34. Unestahl I. – E. Bette Sport bu IMT. Inner Mental Training. – Orebro, Sweden, 1982.

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