Книга Елена Блаватская. Интервью из Шамбалы, страница 100. Автор книги Анна Бурдина

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44. Безант А., Ледбитер Ч. Мыслеформы (по изданию – Adyar, 1978, Thoughtforms, 9-е изд.)

45. Чаттерджи М. Гималайские Братья – существуют ли они? // Theosophist, Dec., 1883.

46. Incidents in the Life of Madame Blavatsky, compiled and edited by A.P.Sinnet. – London, 1886.

47. Wachtmeister C. Reminiscences of H. P. Blavatsky and «The Secret Doctrine». – London, 1893. – P. 56–57. (Далее – C.Wachtmeister, Reminiscences.)

48. Компиляция из: Vera P. de Zhelihjvsky. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky // Lucifer. – London, November 1894.

49. Report of the Result of an Investigation into the Charges against Madame Blavatsky Brought by the Missionaries of tht Scottish Free Church of Madras, and Examined by a Committ appointed from that Purpose by the General Council of the Theosophical Society. – Madras, India, 1885.

50. Coulomb E. Some Account of My Intercourse with Madame Blavatsky from 1872 to 1884; with Additional Letters and a Full Explanation of the Most Marvellous Theosophical Phenomena. – Madras, India, 1884

51. Ghost Stories Galore: A Night of Many Wonders at Second Hand in the Eighth Avenue Lamasery // The New York World. – April 21, 1878.

52. Olcott H. S. Old Diary Leaves: The True Story of the Theosophical Society. – V 1. – New York, 1895.

53. Some Unpublished Letters of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, with Introduction and Commentary by Eugene Rollin Corson. London, 1929.

54. Компиляция из: Olcott H. S. The First Leaf of T. S. History // The Theosophist. – Adyar, Madras, India, November, 1890. – P. 65–70; Olcott H. S. Historical Retrospects. – Madras, India, 1896.

55. Theosophical Review. – London, January 1902.

56. Voyage with M-me. Blavatsky: The Summary Manner in Which She Silenced a Skeptical First Officer // The Philadelphia Inquirer. – May 11, 1891.

57. Gordon A. Instantaneous Transmission of Another Letter // Psychic Notes. – Calcutta, India, March 30, 1882.

58. Mavalankar D. K. A Great Riddle Solved // The Theosophist. – Adyar, Madras, India, December 1883 – January 1884. P. 61–62; перепечатано в Damodar.

59. Компиляция из писем У К. Джаджа // The Word.– New York, April 1912.

60. SinnettA. P. Early Days of Theosophy in Europe. London, 1922.

61. Wachtmeister C. Reminiscences.

62. Johnston C. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky // The Theosophical Fomm. New York, April, May, June and July 1900; перепечатано в Н. Р. B.’s Collected Writings. – V 8. 63. Russell E. Isis Unveiled // The Theosophical Outlook. SanFrancisco, California, April 26,1919.

64. Tweedale V. Ghosts I Have Seen and Other Psychic Experiences. – New York, 1919.

65. BesantA. An Autobiography. – London, 1893. 66. H. P. B.: In Memory. (Личные мемуары E. П. Блаватской / пер. с англ. Л. Крутиковой и А. Крутикова).

67. Компиляция из: Besant A. Autobiography.; BesantA. The Masters. – Adyar, Madras, India, 1912; переиздание 1977. – 68. Rev. B.Old. Memories of H.P.B. – Over 50 Years Ago // The Theosophist. – Adyar, Madras, India, November 1941.

69. The Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett from the Mahatmas M. & К. H. Pasadena, California, 1975, факсимиле второго издания. – P. 478–479 (Далее – ML, 2nd Ed.), также в The Mahatma Letters to A.P Sinnett from the Mahatmas M. & К. H. – Adyar, Madras, India, 1962, 3-е изд. испр.

70. Some Unpublished Letters of Helenf Petrovna Blavatsky. – London, 1929.

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