Книга Сезанн. Жизнь, страница 152. Автор книги Алекс Данчев

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Онлайн книга «Сезанн. Жизнь»

Cтраница 152

Blanc Charles. Grammaire des arts du dessin. Paris: Laurens, 1867.

Blanche. Propos. – Blanche Jacques-Émile. Propos de peintre. Paris: Émile-Paul, 1919.

Bloch-Dano. Madame Zola. – Bloch-Dano Evelyne. Madame Zola. Paris: Grasset, 1997.

Boime Albert. Thomas Couture and the Eclectic Vision. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1980.

Boulez. Boulez on Music Today. – Boulez Pierre. Boulez on Music Today [1963] / Trans. Susan Bradshaw, Richard Rodney Bennett. London: Faber, 1971.

Brady Patrick. «L’Œuvre» d’Émile Zola. Geneva: Droz, 1967.

Brassaï. The Artists. – Brassaï. The Artists of My Life / Trans. Richard Miller. London: Thames & Hudson, 1982.

Bresson. Notes. – Bresson Robert. Notes sur le cinématographe. Paris: Gallimard, 1995.

Brettell Richard R. Pissarro’s People. New York: Prestel, 2011.

Breton. L’Amour fou. – Breton André. L’Amour fou. Paris: Gallimard, 1976.

Breton. The Lost Steps. – Breton Andre. The Lost Steps [1924] / Trans. Mark Polizzotti. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1996.

Brion-Guerry. Cézanne. – Brion-Guerry Liliane. Cézanne et l’expression de l’espace. Paris: Albin Michel, 1966.

Brown. Flaubert. – Brown Frederick. Flaubert: A Biography. Harvard: Harvard University Press, 2007.

Brown. Zola. – Brown Frederick. Zola. London: Macmillan, 1996.

Burger. Cézanne und Hodler. – Burger Fritz. Cézanne und Hodler. München: Delphin-verlag, 1913.

Butler. Hidden in the Shadow. – Butler Ruth. Hidden in the Shadow of the Master. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008.

Cachin, et al. Cézanne. – Cachin Françoise, et al. Cézanne: exh. cat. London: Tate, 1996.

Cachin, et al. Cézanne aujourd’hui. – Cachin Françoise, et al. Cézanne aujourd’hui. Paris: RMN, 1997.

Callen. The Art of Impressionism. – Callen Anthea. The Art of Impressionism. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2000.

Callow Philip. Lost Earth. London: Allison & Busby, 1995.

Carson. The Beauty of the Husband. – Carson Anne. The Beauty of the Husband. New York: Vintage, 2002.

Celan. Selected Poems and Prose. – Celan Paul. Selected Poems and Prose. New-York; London: W. W. Norton & Company, 2001.

Cézanne. Cinquante-trois lettres. – Cézanne Paul. Cinquante-trois lettres. Paris: L’Échoppe, 2011.

Cézanne. Correspondance. – Cézanne Paul. Correspondance. [1937]. Paris: Grasset, 2006.

Cézanne Paul. Letters / Trans. Seymour Hacker. New York: Hacker, 1984.

Cézanne. Letters. [1941]. – Cézanne Paul. Letters. [1941] / Trans. Marguerite Kay. New York: Da Capo, 1976.

Cézanne. Sketchbook. – Cézanne Paul. Sketchbook. [1951]. New York: Dover, 1985.

Cézanne. The Basel Sketchbooks. – Cézanne Paul. The Basel Sketchbooks. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1988.

Cézanne. Two Sketchbooks. – Cézanne Paul. Two Sketchbooks. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1989.

Cézanne A. Le Carnet. – Cézanne Aline. Le Carnet de recettes de Mamine Cézanne. Paris: Lattès, 2006.

Cézanne and Beyond. – Cézanne and Beyond / Ed. by Joseph J. Rishel, Katherine Sachs. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 2009.

Cézanne & Giacometti. – Cézanne & Giacometti / Ed. by Felix Baumann, Poul Erik Tøjner. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, 2008.

– Cézanne and Poussin / Ed. by Richard Kendall. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1993.

– Cézanne and the Dawn of Modern Art / Ed. by Felix Baumann, et al. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, 2004.

– Cézanne, d’une siècle à l’autre / Ed. Jean Arrouye. Marseille: Parenthèses, 2006.

– Cézanne et Paris / Ed. Denis Coutagne. Paris: RMN, 2011.

– Cézanne: Finished-Unfinished / Ed. by Felix Baumann, et al. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, 2000.

Cézanne’s Card Players. – Cézanne’s Card Players / Ed. by Nancy Ireson, Barnaby Wright. London: Courtauld Gallery, 2010.

Cézanne to Picasso. – Cézanne to Picasso / Ed. by Rebecca A. Rabinow. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2006.

Cézanne: The Late Work. – Cézanne: The Late Work / Ed. by William Rubin. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1977.

Champsaur Félicien. Dinah Samuel. [1882]. Paris: Séguier, 1999.

Chapman. Rembrandt’s Self-Portraits. – Chapman H. Perry. Rembrandt’s Self-Portraits. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1992.

Chappuis. The Drawings. – Chappuis Adrien. The Drawings of Paul Cézanne. Greenwich, CT: New York Graphic Society, 1973.

Chesneau. L’art et l’artistes. – Chesneau Ernest. L’Art et l’artistes modernes en France et en Angleterre. Paris: Didier, 1864.

Chesneau. L’Éducation. – Chesneau Ernest. L’Éducation de l’artiste. Charavay, 1880.

Clark. Another Part of the Wood. – Clark Kenneth. Another Part of the Wood. London: Murray, 1974.

Clark T. J. Farewell to an Idea. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1999.

Collingwood. An Autobiography. – Collingwood R. G. An Autobiography. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1939.

Consibee Philip, Coutagne Denis. Cézanne in Provence: exh. cat. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2006.

Conversations avec Cézanne. – Conversations avec Cézanne / Ed. Michael Doran. Paris: Macula, 1978.

Conversations with Cézanne. – Conversations with Cézanne / Ed. Michael Doran. Trans. Julie Lawrence Cochran. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001.

Coquiot. Paul Cézanne. – Coquiot Gustave. Paul Cézanne. Paris: Ollendorff, 1919.

Cornford. Microcosmographia academica. – Cornford F. M. Microcosmographia academica. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1933.

Correspondance André Gide. – Correspondance André Gide – Maurice Denis. Paris: Gallimard, 2006.

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