Книга Сезанн. Жизнь, страница 164. Автор книги Алекс Данчев

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Newman. Remarks… // Selected writings. – Newman Barnett. Remarks at Artists’ Sessions at Studio 35 [1952] // Newman Barnett. Selected Writings and Interviews. Berkeley; Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1992.

Newton Joy. Cézanne’s Literary Incarnations // French Studies. 61 (2007). P. 36–46.

Newton Joy. La dernière toile de Claude // Les Cahiers naturalists. 74 (2000). P. 239–245.

Newton Joy. The Atelier Novel // Impressions of French Modernity / Ed. by Richard Hobbs. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1998. P. 173–189.

Nochlin Linda. Cézanne: Studies in Contrast // Art in America. 84 (1996). P. 56–67.

Norman. From the Writings… // Twice a Year 1. – Norman Dorothy. From the Writings and Conversations of Alfred Stieglitz // Twice a Year 1. Fall-winter 1938.

Nuridsany. The Moment That Counts… // New York Review Books. – Nuridsany Michel. The Moment That Counts: An Interview with Henri Cartier-Bresson // New York Review Books. 2 March 1995.

Osthaus. A Visit… // Conversations with Cézanne. – Osthaus Karl Ernst. A Visit to Paul Cézanne. [1920–1921] // Conversations with Cézanne. P. 96–99.

Péladan. La Revue… // Cachin, et al. Cézanne. – Péladan Joseph. La Revue hebdomadaire // Cachin, et al. Cézanne.

Pératé. Le Salon d’automne // Gazette des beaux-arts. – Pératé André. Le Salon d’automne // Gazette des beaux-arts. 38 (1907). P. 385–407.

Perruchot Henri. Les quinze logis de Monsieur Cézanne // L’Œil. (Nativité 1955). P. 32–36.

Petrone. «La Double…» // Gazette des beaux-arts. – Petrone Mario. ‘La Double vue de Louis Séguin,’ par Duranty // Gazette des beaux-arts. 88 (1976). P. 235–39.

Petzet. Foreword // Rilke. Letters. – Petzet Heinrich Wiegand. Foreword // Rilke. Letters.

Pissarro L. Sketchbook 52 (1912). P. 95–99 // Pissarro Archives. – Pissarro Lucien. Sketchbook 52 (1912). P. 95–99 // Pissarro Archives. Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.

Pleynet Marcelin. Cézanne sous l’œil paternal. [1979]. // Pleynet. Les Modernes et la tradition. Paris: Gallimard, 1990. P. 121–143.

Pollock Griselda. What Can We Say About Cézanne These Days? // Oxford Art Journal. 13 (1990). P. 95–101.

Portugés Paul. Allen Ginsberg’s Paul Cézanne and the Pater Omnipotens Aeterna Deus // Contemporary Literature. 21 (1980). P. 435–449.

Provence. Cézanne collégien // Mercure de France. – Provence Marcel. Cézanne collégien // Mercure de France. 1 février, 1 août 1925.

Provence. Cézanne et ses amis // Mercure de France. – Provence Marcel. Cézanne et ses amis // Mercure de France. 1 avril 1926.

Rapetti Rodolphe. L’inquiétude cézannienne // Revue de l’art. 144 (2004). P. 35–50.

Raphael. The Work of Art… // The Demands of Art. – Raphael Max. The Work of Art and the Model in Nature. [1930] / Trans. Norbert Guterman // Raphael. The Demands of Art. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1968. P. 7–43.

Ravaisou Joseph. Paul Cézanne // Le National d’Aix. 28 octobre 1906.

Ravenel. Le Salon… // Pissarro J., Durand-Ruel Snollaerts. Pissarro. – Ravenel Jean. Le Salon de 1865 // Pissarro J., Durand-Ruel Snollaerts. Pissarro.

Reff Theodore. Cézanne: The Severed Head and the Skull // Arts Magazine. 58 (1983). P. 84–100.

Reff. Cézanne and Hercules // Art Bulletin. – Reff Theodore. Cézanne and Hercules // Art Bulletin. 48 (1966). P. 35–44.

Reff Theodore. Cézanne and Poussin // Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes. 23 (1960). P. 150–174.

Reff Theodore. Cézanne et Chardin // Cachin Françoise, et al. Cézanne aujourd’hui. P. 11–28.

Reff Theodore. Cézanne et la perspective / Trans. Jeanne Bouniort // Revue de l’art. 86 (1989). P. 8–15.

Reff. Cézanne, Flaubert… // Art Bulletin. – Reff Theodore. Cézanne, Flaubert, Saint Anthony, and the Queen of Sheba // Art Bulletin. 44 (1962). P. 113–125.

Reff Theodore. Cézanne on Solids and Spaces // Artforum. 16 (1977). P. 34–37.

Reff. Cézanne’s Bather… // Gazette des beaux-arts. – Reff Theodore. Cézanne’s Bather with Outstretched Arms // Gazette des beaux-arts. Mars 1962. P. 173–190.

Reff Theodore. Cézanne’s Card Players and their Sources // Arts Magazine. 55 (1980). P. 104–117.

Reff. Cézanne’s Constructive Stroke // Art Quarterly. – Reff Theodore. Cézanne’s Constructive Stroke // Art Quarterly. 25 (1962). P. 214–226.

Reff Theodore. Cézanne’s Drawings // The Burlington Magazine. 101 (1959). P. 171–176.

Reff Theodore. Cézanne’s Drawings // The Burlington Magazine. 117 (1975). P. 489–491.

Reff Theodore. Cézanne’s Dream of Hannibal // Art Bulletin. 45 (1963). P. 148–152.

Reff Theodore. Cézanne’s early paravent at the Jas de Bouffan // Jas de Bouffan. P. 56–67.

Reff Theodore. Cézanne’s Late Bather Paintings // Arts Magazine. 52 (1977). P. 116–119.

Reff Theodore. Cézanne: The Logical Mystery // Art News. 62 (1963). P. 28–31.

Reff Theodore. Copyists in the Louvre, 1850–1870 // Art Bulletin. 46 (1964). P. 552–559.

Reff. Manet’s Portrait of Zola // The Burlington Magazine. – Reff Theodore. Manet’s Portrait of Zola // The Burlington Magazine. 117 (1975). P. 34–44.

Reff. Painting and Theory… // Cézanne: The Late Work. – Reff Theodore. Painting and Theory in the Final Decade // Cézanne: The Late Work. P. 13–54.

Reff. Pissarro’s Portrait of Cézanne // The Burlington Magazine. – Reff Theodore. Pissarro’s Portrait of Cézanne // The Burlington Magazine. 109 (1967). P. 627–633.

Reff. Reproductions… // Gazette des beaux-arts. – Reff Theodore. Reproductions and Books in Cézanne’s Studio // Gazette des beaux-arts. Novembre 1960. P. 303–309.

Reff Theodore. The Pictures within Cézanne’s Pictures // Arts Magazine. 53 (1979). P. 90–104.

Reissner. Transparency of Means // The Courtauld Cézannes. – Reissner Elisabeth. Transparency of Means: Drawing and Color in Cézanne’s Watercolors and Oil Paintings in the Courtauld Gallery // The Courtauld Cézannes. P. 49–71.

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