Книга Габриэль Гарсиа Маркес, страница 154. Автор книги Сергей Марков

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Cтраница 154

Gonzales, Nelly. Bibliographic Guide to Gabriel García Márquez, 1986–1992. Oxford, Greenwood Publishing Group, 1994.

Oberhelman, Harley. García Márquez and Cuba: A study of its presence in his fiction, journalism, and cinema. Fredericton, York Press Ltd, 1995.

Saldivar, Dasso. García Márques: el viaje a la semilla. La biografía. Madrid, Alfaguara, 1997.

Cebrian, Juan Luis. Retrato de Gabriel García Márquez. Gutenberg, Círculo de Lectores, 1997.

Mendoza, Plinio Apuleyo. Aquellos tiempos con Gabo. Barselona, Plasa & Janes Editores, 2000.

Forero, Juan. A Storyteller tells his own story. García Márquez, Fighting Cancer, Issues Memoirs // New York Times, October 9. 2002.

Esteban, Angel, Panichelli, Stephanie, Gabo у Fidel: el paisaje de una amistad, Planeta Publishing, 2004.

Bell-Villada. Conversations with Gabriel García Márquez. Jackson, Gene H., ed. University Press of Mississippi, 2006.

Martin, Gerald. Gabriel García Márquez. A Life. London, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2008.

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