Книга А что, если они нам не враги? Как болезни спасают людей от вымирания, страница 60. Автор книги Шарон Моалем

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R. L. Lamason, M. A. Mohideen, J. R. Mest, et al. 2005. SLC24A5, a putative cation exchanger, affects pigmentation in zebrafish and humans. Science 310(5755):1782–1786;

A. J. Thody, E. M. Higgins, K. Wakamatsu, et al. 1991. Pheomelanin as well as eumelanin is present in human epidermis. J Invest Dermatol 97(2):340–344;

Saadia Iqbal, “A New Light on Skin Color,” National Geographic Magazine, ноябрь 2002;

Nina G. Jablonski and George Chaplin, “Skin Deep,” Scientific American, октябрь 2002; Adrian Barnett, “Fair Enough,” New Scientist, 12 октября 2002.

42. Про различные факты и статистику, касающиеся различных видов рака кожи, читайте на следующем замечательном сайте:

www.cancer.org/docroot/PED/content/ped_7_ 1_What_You_Need_To_Know_About_Skin_Cancer.asp

См. также стр. 52–53 в: R. Ehrlich, Nine Crazy Ideas in Science: A Few Might Even Be True (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2001).

43. P. Valverde, E. Healy, I. Jackson, et al. 1995. Variants of the melanocyte-stimulating hormone receptor gene are associated with red hair and fair skin in humans. Nat Genet 11(3):328–330;

Robin L. Flanigan, “Will Rare Redheads Be Extinct by 2100?” Seattle Times, 9 мая 2005;

T. Ha and J. L. Rees. 2001. Melanocortin 1 receptor: what’s red got to do with it? J Am Acad Dermatol 45(6):961–964.

44. См. стр. 10–11 в замечательной книге:

R. S. Root-Bernstein and M. Root-Bernstein, Honey, Mud, Maggots, and Other Medical Marvels: The Science Behind Folk Remedies and Old Wives’ Tales (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1997);

K. Rajakumar. 2003. Vitamin D, cod-liver oil, sunlight, and rickets: a historical perspective. Pediatrics 112(2):e132–e135;

M. Brustad, T. Sandanger, L. Aksnes, and E. Lund. 2004. Vitamin D status in a rural population of northern Norway with high fish liver consumption. Public Health Nutr 7(6):783–789;

D. J. Holub and B. J. Holub. 2004. Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oils and cardiovascular disease. Mol Cell Biochem 263(1–2):217–225.

45. H. C. Everett. 1964. Sneezing in response to light. Neurology 14:483–490.

Также читайте:

R. Smith. 1990. Photic sneezes. Br J Ophthalmol 74(12):705;

S. J. Peroutka and L. A. Peroutka. 1984. Autosomal dominant transmission of the “photic sneeze reflex.” N Engl J Med 310(9):599–600;

J. M. Forrester. 1985. Sneezing on exposure to bright light as an inherited response. Hum Hered 35(2):113–114;

E. W. Benbow. 1991. Practical hazards of photic sneezing. Br J Ophthalmol 75(7):447.

46. T. L.Wall, S. M. Horn, M. L. Johnson, et al. 2000. Hangover symptoms in Asian Americans with variations in the aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH2) gene. J Stud Alcohol 61(1):13–17;

M. Yokoyama, A. Yokoyama,T. Yokoyama, et al. 2005. Hangover susceptibility in relation to aldehyde dehydrogenase-2 genotype, alcohol flushing and mean corpuscular volume in Japanese workers. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 29(7):1165–1171;

K. A. Veverka, K. L. Johnson, D. C. Mays, et al. 1997. Inhibition of aldehyde dehydrogenase by disulfiram and its metabolite methyl diethylthiocarbamoyl-sulfoxide. Biochem Pharmacol53(4):511–518; Janna Chan, “Asian Flush: The Silent Killer,” AsianAvenue.com, 18 ноября 2004.

47. См. стр. 140–165 в:

M. Z. Wahrman, Brave New Judaism: When Science and Scripture Collide (Hanover, NH: University Press of New England for Brandeis University Press, 2002);

K. Skorecki, S. Selig, S. Blazer, et al. 1997. Y-chromosomes of Jewish priests. Nature 385(6611):32;

M. G. Thomas, K. Skorecki, H. Ben-Ami, et al. 1998. Origins of Old Testament priests. Nature 394(6689):138–140.

В последней работе ставятся под сомнения полученные прежде данные:

A.Zoossmann-Diskin. 2006. Ashkenazi Levites’ “Y modal haplotype” (LMH) – an artificially created phenomenon? Homo 57(1):87–100.

48. Читайте подробнее про Генри Луиса Гейтса по ссылке:

www.pbs.org/wnet/aalives/science_ dna2.html.

См. также:

Editorial. 2001. Genes, drugs and race. Nat Genet 29(3):239–240;

Emma Daly, “DNA Tells Students They Aren’t Who They Thought,” New York Times, 13 апреля 2005;

Marek Kohn, “This Racist Undercurrent in the Tide of Genetic Research,” Guardian, 17 января 2006;

Richard Willing, “DNA Tests to Offer Clues to Suspect’s Race,” USA Today, 17 августа 2005.

49. R. Cooper and C. Rotimi. 1997. Hypertension in blacks. Am J Hypertens 10(7 Pt 1):804–812;

M. P. Blaustein and C. E. Grim. 1991. The pathogenesis of hypertension: black-white differences. CardiovascClin 21(3):97–114.

Дополнительную информацию о том, как черный цвет кожи влияет на кровяное давление, читайте по ссылке:


Более подробную информацию про «Средний путь» читайте на стр. 33 в:

N. I. Painter, Creating Black Americans: African- American History and Its Meanings, 1619 to the Present (New York: Oxford University Press, 2006);

Также читайте:

J. Postma, The Atlantic Slave Trade (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2005);

Harold M. Schmeck Jr., “Study of Chimps Strongly Backs Salt’s Link to High Blood Pressure,” New York Times, October 3, 1995;

Richard S. Cooper, Charles N. Rotimi, and Ryk Ward, “The Puzzle of Hypertension in African- Americans,” Scientific American, февраль 1999.

Подробную статистику по расово-этнической принадлежности смотрите на официальном сайте Государственного управления по вопросам здоровья национальных меньшинств США www.omhrc.gov.

50. См. стр. 43–59 в: J. Postma, The Atlantic Slave Trade (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2005)

51. T. A. Clayton, J. C. Lindon, O. Cloarec, et al. 2006. Pharmaco-metabonomic phenotyping and personalized drug treatment. Nature 440(7087):1073–1077;

S. K. Tate and D. B. Goldstein. 2004. Will tomorrow’s medicines work for everyone? Nat Genet 36(11 Suppl):S34–S42;

I. Roots, T. Gerloff, C. Meisel, et al. 2004. Pharmacogenetics- based new therapeutic concepts. Drug Metab Rev 36(3–4):617–638;

R. E. Cannon. 2006. A discussion of gene-environment interactions: fundamentals of ecogenetics. Environ Health Perspect 114(6):a382;

C. G. N. Mascie-Taylor, J. Peters, and S. McGarvey, Society for the Study of Human Biology, The Changing Face of Disease: Implications for Society (Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2004);

Jo Whelan, “Where’s the Smart Money Going in Biotech?” NewScientist, 18 июня 2005;

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