Книга Дуэль нейрохирургов. Как открывали тайны мозга, и почему смерть одного короля смогла перевернуть науку, страница 96. Автор книги Сэм Кин

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Cтраница 96

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8. Khatchadourian, Raffi. «Transfiguration». The New Yorker. February 13 and 20, 2012: 66–87.

9. Moscovitch, Morris, Gordon Winocur, and Marlene Behrmann. «What is Special about Face Recognition?» Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 9, no. 5 (1997): 555–604.

10. Nicolson, Juliet. The great silence, 1918–1920: living in the shadow of the Great War. London: John Murray, 2009.

11. Pinker, Steven. «So How Does the Mind Work?» Mind & Language 20, no. 1 (2005): 1–24.

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Глава 5 Фантомы

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2. Beatty, William K. «S. Weir Mitchell and the Ghosts». Journal of the American Medical Association 220, no. 1 (1972): 76–80.

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14. Ramachandran, Vilayanur S., and William Herstein. «The Perception of Phantom Limbs: The D. O. Hebb lecture». Brain 121, no. 9 (1998): 1603–20.

Глава 6 Болезнь смеха

1. Anderson, Warwick. The collectors of lost souls: turning kuru scientists into whitemen. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008. Beasley, Anne. «Frontier Journeys: Fore experiences on the kuru patrols». Oceania 79, no. 1 (2009): 34–52.

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4. The Genius and the Boys. DVD. Directed by Bosse Lindquist. Stockholm: SVT Documentary, 2009.

5. Georgopoulos, Apostolos P. «Movement, Balance, and Coordination – The Dana Guide». The Dana Foundation. http://www.dana.org/news/brainhealth/detail.aspx?id=72695 (accessed November 4, 2013).

6. Hainfellner, Johannes A., et al. «Pathology and Immunocytochemistry of a Kuru Brain». Brain Pathology 7, no. 1 (1997): 547–53.

7. Ledford, Heidi. «‘Harmless’ Prion Protein Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease». Nature.com. http://www.nature.com/news/2009/090225/full/news.2009.121.html (accessed November 4, 2013).

8. Lindenbaum, Shirley. «Kuru, Prions, and Human Affairs: Thinking about epidemics». Annual Review of Anthropology 30, no. 1 (2001): 363–85.

9. Miller, Greg. «Could They All Be Prion Diseases?» Science 326, no. 5958 (2009): 1337–39.

10. Nelson, Hank. «Kuru: The Pursuit of the Prize and the Cure». The Journal of Pacific History 31, no. 2 (1996): 178–201.

11. Norrby, Erling. Nobel prizes and life sciences. Singapore: World Scientific, 2010.

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Глава 7 Секс и наказание

1. Batts, Shelley. «Brain Lesions and Their Implications in Criminal Responsibility». Behavioral Science and the Law 27, no. 2 (2009): 261–72.

2. Bliss, Michael. Harvey Cushing: a life in surgery. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005.

3. Byrne, John H. Learning and memory. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2003.

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6. Damasio, Antonio R., Daniel Tranel, and Helen Damasio. «Individuals with Sociopathic Behavior Caused by Frontal Damage Fail to Respond Autonomically to Social Stimuli». Behavioural Brain Research 41, no. 2 (1990): 81–94.

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