Книга В тени меча. Возникновение ислама и борьба за Арабскую империю, страница 116. Автор книги Том Холланд

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Chronicon Paschale. 284–628 ad, trans. Michael Whitby and Mary Whitby (Liverpool, 1989).

Cicero: http://classics.rnit.edu/Cicero/cic.man.html.

Clement of Alexandria: Stromata, in Clemens Alexandrinus, ed. Otto Stahlin, Ludwig Lruchtel and Ursula Treu (Vol. 3) (Berlin, 1970).

Corippus: Llavius Cresconius Corippus: In Laudem Justini Au-gusti Minoris Libri IV, ed. Averil Cameron (London, 1976).

Idem. The lohannis or de Beilis Libycis of Llavius Cresconius Corippus, trans. George W. Shea (Lewiston, 1998).

Cosmas Indicopleustes: Topographia, in PG 88.

Cyril of Jerusalem: http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/3101.htm Cyril of Scythopolis: Vita Euthymii, in Kyrillos von Skythopolis, ed. Eduard Schwartz (Leipzig, 1939).

Denkard: http://www.avesta.org/denkard/dk3s229.html.

Diodorus Siculus: Library of History, (12 vols), ed. С. H. Oldfather (Cambridge, Mass., 1933–1967).

Egeria: The Pilgrimage of Etheria, trans. M. L. McClure and C. L. Leltoe (London, 1919).

Elishe: History of Vardan and the Armenian War, trans. Robert W. Thomson (Cambridge, Mass., 1982).

Epiphanius: The Panarion of St. Epiphanius, Bishop of Salamis, trans. Philip R. Amidon (Oxford, 1990).

Eusebius: Preparation for the Gospel, trans. E. H. Gifford (5 vols) (London, 1903).

The History of the Church, trans. G. A. Williamson (London, 1989).

Life of Constantine, trans. Averil Cameron and S. G. Hall (Oxford, 1999).

Evagrius Scholasticus: The Ecclesiastical History of Evagriuis Scholasticus, trans. M. Whitby (Liverpool, 2000).

Expositio Totius Mundi et Gentium, ed. Jean Rouge (Paris, 1966) Fredegarius: Chronicon Fredegarii, in Monumenta Germaniae His-torica: Scriptores Rerum Merovingicarum (Hannover, 1888).

George of Pisidia: Heralias, in PG 92.

Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew: http://www.gnosis.org/library/pseu-domat.htm Greater Bundahishn: http://www.avesta.org/pahlavi/grbl. htm.

Gregory of Nyssa: Homilies on Ecclesiastes, ed. Stuart George Hall (Berlin, 1993) Heliodorus: Aethiopica, ed. A. Colonna (Rome, 1938).

Herodian: History of the Empire, trans. C. R. Whittaker (2 vols) (Cambridge, Mass., 1969–1970).

The History of Alexander the Great Being the Syriac Version of the Pseudo– Callisthenes, ed. E.A. W. Budge (Cambridge, 1889).

The History of King Vaxt’ang Gorgasali: Rewriting Caucasian History: The Medieval Armenian Adaptation of the Georgian Chronicles, trans. Robert W. Thomson (Oxford, 1996).

History of the Patriarchs of the Coptic Church of Alexandria: trans. B. Evetts (4 vols) (Paris, 1906–1915).

Ibn Hisham: The Life of Muhammad: A Translation of Ishaq’s Sirat Rasul Allah, trans. A. Guillaume (Oxford, 1955).

Ibn Miskawayh: Tagarib al-umam (The Book of Deeds of Xusro I Anosarvan), ed. L.Caetani (Leyden, 1909).

Ibn Qutayba: La Traite des Divergences du Hadit d’lbn Qutayba (mort en 276/889), trans. Gerard Lecomte (Damascus, 1962) Ignatius of Antioch: http://web.archive.org/web/20060813114040/www.ccel. org/fathers2/ANF– 01 /anf01-17.htm.

Irenaeus: http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/0103.htm Isidore of Pelusium: Letters, in PG 78.

Jerome: http://www. newadvent. org/fathers/3001. htm.

John bar Penkaye: ‘Northern Mesopotamia in the Late Seventh Century: Book XV of John bar Penkaye’s Rish Melle (Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 9, 1987).

John of Damascus: De Haeresibus, in PG 94: 677—780John of Ephesus: Pseudo-Dionysius of El-Mahre: Chronicle, Part III, trans. Witold Witakowski (Liverpool, 1996).

John Malalas: The Chronicle of John Malalas, trans. Elizabeth Jeffreys, Michael Jeffreys and Roger Scott (Melbourne, 1986).

John of Nikiu: The Chronicle of John (c. 690 ad) Coptic Bishop of Ntktu, trans. Robert Henry Charles (London, 1916).

Josephus: The Antiquities of the Jews, in The Complete Works of Josephus, trans. William Whiston (Peabody, 1987).

Joshua the Stylite: The Chronicle of Pseudo-Joshua the Sty lite, trans. Frank R.Trombley and John W. Watt (Liverpool, 2000).

Justin Martyr: lustini Martyris Dialogus cum Tryphone, ed. Miroslav Marcovich (New York, 1997).

Khuzistan Chromcle, ed. I. Guidi (Louvain, 1960).

Lactantius: De Mortibus Persecutorum, ed. and trans. J. L. Creed (Oxford, 1984) http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/0701.htm.

Lazar P’arpec’i: The History of Lazar P’arpec’i, trans. Robert W. Thomson (Atlanta, 1991).

Letter of Tansar, trans. Mary Boyce (Rome, 1968).

‘Letter to Diognetus’: (a), http://www.ccel.org/ccel/richardson/ fathers.x.i.ii.html (b) http://www.ccel.0rg/l/lake/fathers/di0gnetus.htm.

Life of Symeon the Younger: La Vie Ancienne de S. Symeon le Jeune, ed. P. Van den Ven (Brussels, 1970).

Livy: The War with Hannibal, trans. Aubrey de Selincourt (London, 1965) Menander the Guardsman: The History of Menander the Guardsman, trans. R. C. Blockley (Liverpool, 1985).

Mihr Yasht: http://www.avesta.org/ka/ytlOsbe.htm.

Moses Dasxuranci: History of the Caucasian Albanians, trans. Charles Dowsett (Oxford, 1961).

Nikephoros: Short History, trans. Cyril Mango (Dumbarton Oaks, 1990).

Novels: http://uwacadweb.uwyo. edu/blume&justinian/novels2. asp.

Origen: Homilies on Luke (http://www.bible-researcher.com/ origen.html).

Paul the Deacon: Historia Langobardorum, in Monumenta Germamae Historica: Scriptores Rerum Langobardicarum (Hannover, 1878).

Plutarch: Roman Questions, ed. Frank Cole Battitt (Cambridge, Mass., 1936).

Idem. The Rise and Fall of Athens, trans. Ian Scott-Kilvert (London, 1960).

Porphyrius: Carmina (http://www.thelatinlibrary.com/porphyrius. html).

Procopius: History of the Wars, trans. H. B. Dewing (5 vols) (Cambridge, Mass., 1914–1928).

Idem. On Buildings, trans. H. B. Dewing and Glanville Downey (Cambridge, Mass., 1940).

Idem. The Secret History, trans. G. A. Williamson (London, 2007).

Propertius: Elegies, ed. G. P. Goold (Cambridge, Mass., 1990).

Sahih Bukhari: http://www.quranenglish.com/hadith/Sahih_ bukhari.htm The Sayings of the Desert Fathers, trans. Benedicta Ward (Collegeville, 2005) Sebeos: The Armenian History Attributed to Se-beos, trans. R. W. Thomson, with commentary by J. Howard-John-ston (2 vols) (Liverpool, 1999).

Sefer ha-Eshkol, ed. Abraham ben Isaac (4 vols) (Halberstadt, 1868).

Sidonius Apollinaris: Poems and Letters, ed. W. B. Anderson (2 vols) (Harvard, 1936–1965).

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