Книга Креатив по правилам. От идеи до готового бизнеса, страница 41. Автор книги Тина Силиг

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Tina Seelig, What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20 (San Francisco: HarperOne, 2009). Издана на русском языке: Силиг Т. Почему никто не рассказал мне это в 20? Интенсив по поиску себя в этом мире. — М.: Манн, Иванов и Фербер, 2016.

Tina Seelig, inGenius: A Crash Course on Creativity (San Francisco: HarperOne, 2012). Издана на русском языке: Силиг Т. Разрыв шаблона. Как находить и воплощать прорывные идеи. — М.: Манн, Иванов и Фербер, 2015.

Stanford Technology Ventures Program website, stvp.stanford.edu.


The Last Mile website, thelastmile.org.

For more on the nine-dot puzzle, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thinking_outside_the_box.

Mark A. Runco and Garrett J. Jaeger, “Stanford Definition of Creativity”, Creativity Research Journal 24, no. 11 (2012): 92–96.

Sir Ken Robinson, “Can Creativity Be Taught?”, youtube/vlbpdggx3ie.

Biodesign Innovation Fellowship website, biodesign.stanford.edu.

Часть I. Воображение

Scott Harrison, “Thirsting for a Life of Service”, Stanford lecture, Nov. 6, 2013. Видеоклипы лекций в Стэнфорде можно найти на сайте ecorner.stanford.edu.

charity: water website, www.charitywater.org.

Глава 1. Увлеченность

Jennifer L. Roberts, “The Power of Patience”, Harvard Magazine (online), Nov./Dec. 2013, harvardmagazine.com/2013/11/the-power-of-patience.

Nicholas Carlson, “Lyft, a Year-Old Startup That Helps Strangers Share Car Rides, Just Raised $60 Million from Andreessen Horowitz and Others”, May 23, 2013, www.businessinsider.com/lyft-a-startup-that-helps-strangers-share-car-rides-just-raised-60-million-from-andreessen-horowitz-2013-5.

Chip Conley, Emotional Equations (New York: Atria Books, 2013). Издана на русском языке: Конли Ч. Эмоциональные уравнения. Простые формулы счастья и успеха. М.: АСТ, 2013.

Scott Barry Kaufman, “From Evaluation to Inspiration”, Aug. 27, 2014, medium.com/aspen-ideas/from-evaluation-to-inspiration-26636af27c62.

Dave Evans and Bill Burnett, “Designing Your Life”, Stanford Open Office Hours, Jan. 30, 2014, youtube/YKEq5iEmMSo. Издана на русском языке: Бернет Б., Эванс Д. Дизайн вашей жизни. М.: Альпина Паблишер, 2018.

Глава 2. Умение предвидеть

Julia Landauer’s website, www.julialandauer.com.

Angie LeVan, “Seeing Is Believing: The Power of Visualization”, Psychology Today (online), original post written Dec. 3, 2009, www.psychologytoday.com/blog/flourish/200912/seeing-is-believing-the-power-visualization.

Kevin Meier, Flint Books, www.flintbooks.me.

Elad Segev, “When There Is a Correct Answer: Exercise in Creative Thinking”, May 9, 2013, youtu.be/9TskeE43Q1M.

Caroline Bologna, “Letter from LEGO to Parents in the ’70s Makes an Important Point About Gender,” Nov. 24, 2014, www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/11/24/lego-letter-from-the-70s_n_6212362.html.

“Jeff Bezos”, no date, www.biography.com/people/jeff-bezos-9542209.

Martin Luther King, Jr., “I Have a Dream”, address delivered Aug. 28, 1963, www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/mlkihaveadream.htm.

Kai Kight, “Composing Your World”, TEDx talk (Manhattan Beach), Dec. 4, 2014, youtu.be/eGGhlLW3GUA.

Steven Levy, “Google’s Larry Page on Why Moonshots Matter”, Wired (online), Jan. 7, 2013, www.wired.com/2013/01/ff-qa-larry-page.

Miguel Helft, “Larry Page: The Most Ambitious CEO in the Universe”, Fortune (online), Nov. 13, 2014, fortune.com/2014/11/13/googles-larry-page-the-most-ambitious-ceo-in-the-universe.

Felipe Santos and Kathleen Eisenhardt, “Organizational Boundaries and Theories of Organization”, Organization Science 16, no. 5 (2005): 491–508.

Karol V. Menzie (on Nancy’s Quiches), “Entrepreneur Carves Out Niche for Quiche in ‘Real’ Food Market”, Baltimore Sun (online), Oct. 13, 1993, articles.baltimoresun.com/1993-10-13/features/1993286028_1_make-quiche-make-quiche-mini-quiches.

Ann Miura-Ko, “Founding Thunder Lizard Entrepreneurs”, Stanford lecture, Oct. 27, 2010. Видеоклипы лекций в Стэнфорде можно найти на сайте ecorner.stanford.edu.

Michael Tubbs, TEDx talk (Stanford), May 11, 2013, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzk4S_3DE3Y&t=0s&index=8&list=PLsRNoUx8w3rOTgRjLiC9EZNqiAwqyaOep.

Heather Barry Kappes and Gabriele Oettingen, “Positive Fantasies About Idealized Futures Sap Energy”, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 47 (2011): 719–729.

Olivia Fox Cabane (on the impostor syndrome), “Build Your Personal Charisma”, Stanford lecture, Oct. 10, 2012. Видеоклипы лекций в Стэнфорде можно найти на сайте ecorner.stanford.edu.

Часть II. Творчество

Об оперном театре New York City Opera см. topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/organizations/n/new_york_city_opera/index.html.

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