Книга Миф об утраченных воспоминаниях. Как вспомнить то, чего не было, страница 109. Автор книги Элизабет Лофтус, Кэтрин Кетчем

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8. Разрушенная семья

Во многих статьях, как научных, так и научно-популярных, пропагандируется идея о том, что инцест связан с определенными поколениями. См., к примеру: Wells R. H. There’s no such thing as «mis-remembering» // Adolescence. 1994. January.

9. В поисках воспоминаний

Книги и статьи, использованные в этой главе, перечислены ниже.

Bass E., Thornton L. I Never Told Anyone: Writings by Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse. N. Y.: HarperPerennial, 1991. (Впервые опубликована издательством Harper в 1983 г.)

Bass E., Davis L. The Courage to Heal: A Guide for Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse. N. Y.: Harper & Row, 1988.

Bishop-Milbradt M. Incest: A Book for Adult Survivors. Tacoma, WA: Pierce County Rape Relief, 1984. (В новой редакции Terri Platt, 1988.)

Blume E. S. Secret Survivors: Uncovering Incest and its Aftereffects in Women, N. Y.: Ballantine Books, 1990.

Bradshaw J. Homecoming. N. Y.: Bantam Books, 1990.

Bradshaw J. Discovering what we want // Lear’s. 1992. July. 5. P. 49.

Bradshaw J. Incest: When you wonder if it happened to you // Lear’s. 5. 1992. August. P. 43, 44.

Braun B. G., Sachs R. G. Recognition of possible cult involvement in MPD patients. 1988. October. (Работа, представленная на Пятой международной конференции на тему расстройства множественной личности и диссоциативных состояний в Чикаго, Иллинойс.)

Brenneis B. Can early trauma be reconstructed from dreams? On the relationship of dream content to trauma. Psychoanalytic Psychology. 1994. 11(4). P. 429–447.

Вrewin C., Andrews B., Gotlib I. Psychopathology and early experience: A reappraisal of retrospective reports // Psychological Bulletin. 1993. Vol. 113. P. 82–98.

Briere J. Studying delayed memories of childhood sexual abuse // The Advisor. 5. 1992. P. 17, 18. (Издание Американского профессионального общества помощи детям, пережившим насилие.)

Briere J. Therapy for Adults Molested as Children: Beyond Survival. N. Y.: Springer Pub. Co., 1989.

Briere J., Conte J. Self-reported amnesia for abuse in adults molested as children // Journal of Traumatic Stress. 1993. Vol. 6. P. 21–31.

Claridge K. Reconstructing memories of abuse: A theory-based approach // Psychotherapy. 1992. Vol. 29. P. 243–252.

Courtois C. Healing the Incest Wound. N. Y.: Norton, 1988.

Courtois C. The memory retrieval process in incest survivor therapy // Journal of Child Sexual Abuse. 1992. Vol. 1 (1).

Davis L. The Courage to Heal Workbook: For Women and Men Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse. N. Y.: HarperCollins, 1990.

Davis P., Schwartz G. Repression and the inaccessibility of affective memories // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1987. Vol. 52. № 1.

Dinges D. F., Whitehouse W. G., Orne E. C., Powell J. W., Orne M. T., Erdelyi M. H. Evaluating hypnotic memory enhancement (hyperamnesia and reminiscence) using multitrial forced recall // Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition. 1992. 18. P. 1139–1147.

Engel B. The Right to Innocence. N. Y.: Ivy Books, 1989.

Farmer S. Adult Children of Abusive Parents. N. Y.: Ballantine, 1989.

Forrest M. An interview with John Briere, Ph.D. // Treating Abuse Today. 1993. Vol. 3. № 1.

Forward S., Buck C. Betrayal of Innocence: Incest and its Devastation. N. Y.: Penguin Books, 1988.

Fredrickson R. Repressed Memories: A Journey to Recovery from Sexual Abuse. N. Y.: Simon and Schuster, 1992.

Gudjonsson G. Comment on «The use of hypnosis by the police in the investigation of crime: Is guided imagery a safe substitute?» // British Journal of Experimental and Clinical Hypnosis. 1985. Vol. 3. P. 37.

Herman J. L. Father-Daughter Incest. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1981.

Herman J. L. Trauma and Recovery. N. Y.: Basic Books, 1992.

Herman J. L., Schatzow E. Recovery and verification of memories of childhood sexual trauma // Psychoanalytic psychology. 1987. 4. P. 1–14.

Holmes D. The evidence for repression: An examination of sixty years of research / In: Singer J. (ed.) Repression and Dissociation: Implications for personality, theory, psychopathology and health. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1990. P. 85–102. Холмс обновил свой обзор для публикации в журнале Harvard Mental Health Letter.

Howell R. J. A verified childhood memory elicited during hypnosis. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis. 1965. 8. P. 141, 142. Психолог загипнотизировал пятнадцатилетнюю девушку и вернул ее на 11 месяцев назад, и тогда она вспомнила, как упала с высокой лестницы. Однако даже сам гипнотизер признал, что «очевидно, нет способа достоверно узнать, не слышала ли когда-либо пациентка об этом инциденте от родителей или бабушки».

Kaminer W. I’m Dysfunctional, You’re Dysfunctional: The Recovery Movement and Other Self-help Fashions. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1992.

Laurence J.-R., Perry C. Hypnotically created memory among highly hypnotizable subjects // Science. 1983. 222. P. 523, 524.

Laurence J.-R., Nadon R., Nogrady H., and C. Perry. Duality, dissociation, and memory creation in highly hypnotizable subjects // International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. 1986. 34. 4. P. 295–310.

Lew M. Victims No Longer: Men Recovering from Incest and Other Sexual Child Abuse. N. Y.: HarperCollins, 1988.

Lindsay S., Read D. Psychotherapy and memories of childhood sexual abuse // Applied Cognitive Psychology. 1994. August. P. 281–338.

Lynn S., Milano M. and Weekes J. Hypnosis and pseudomemories: The effects of prehypnotic expectancies // Journal of personality and social psychology. 1991. 60. P. 318–326.

Lynn S., Nash M. Truth in memory: Ramifications for psychotherapy and hypnotherapy // American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis. 1994. Vol. 36. P. 194–208.

Maltz W. The Sexual Healing Journey: A Guide for Survivors of Sexual Abuse. N. Y.: HarperCollins, 1992.

Maltz W., Holman B. Incest and Sexuality: A Guide to Understanding and Healing. N. Y.: Free Press, 1986.

McHugh P. R. Psychiatric misadventures // The American Scholar. 1992. 61. P. 491–510.

McHugh P. R. Psychotherapy Awry // The American Scholar. 1993. 62. P. 17–30.

McHugh P. R. Multiple personality disorder // Harvard Mental Health Letter. 1993. September. Vol. 10. P. 4–6.

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