Книга Хидэёси. Строитель современной Японии, страница 61. Автор книги Даниель Елисеефф

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Онлайн книга «Хидэёси. Строитель современной Японии»

Cтраница 61

Vié, Michel. Histoire du Japon: des origines à Meiji. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1969. [Que sais-je? 1328.]

Собрания текстов

101 letters of Hideyoshi: the private coirespondence of Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Edited and translated by Adriana Boscaro. Tokyo: Sophia university, 1975. [Monumenta Nipponica monographs; 54.]

Boscaro, Adriana. Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s three letters ftom the province of Harima // Nachrichten der Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Volkerkunde Ostasiens: Zeitschrift fur Kultur und Geschichte Ost-und Südostasiens. Nr. 112 (1972). S. 7-14.2 PI.

Frois, Luis. Die Geschichte Japans (1549–1578). Übersetzt und kommentiert von G. Schurhammer und E. A. Voretzsch. Leipzig: Asia Major, 1926.

Hô Taikô shinsekishü. Tokyo: Tokyo Daigaku Shuppankai 1(1938). Doc. 18.

Hôan Taikôki. Ed. Kuwata Tadachika. Tokyo: Iwanami shoten, 1941; Shinjibutsu Ôraisha, 1971.

Kuwata, Tadachika. Taikô no tegami. Tokyo: Bungei Shunjü Shinsha, 1959.

Kuwata, Tadachika. Taikô shùyôshü. Tokyo: Jinbutsu Ôraisha, 1965.

Okamoto, Yoshitomo. Toyotomi Hideyoshi: Nanbanjin no kiroku ni yoru. Tôkyô: Chüô Kôronsha, Shôwa 38 [1963].

Sources of Japanese tradition. Compiled by Ryüsaku Tsunoda, Wm. Théodore de Bary, Donald Keene. New York; London: Columbia University Press, 1958.

Valignano, Alessandro. Sumario de las cosas de Japon (1583). Adiciones del Sumario dé Japon (1592). Editados por José Luis Âlvarez-Taladriz. Tokyo: Sophia University, 1954. [Monumenta Nipponica monographs; 9.]

Исследования об эпохе в целом

Akira Naito. Azuchijô no kenkyü (см. рецензию: Takaya-nagi Shun’ichi. The glory that was Azuchi H Monumenta Nipponica. 32/4 (1977). P. 515–524.)

Amino Yoshihiko. Some problème conceming the history of popular life in médiéval Japan // Acta Asiatica. 44 (1983). P. 77–97.

Amesen, Peter Judd. The médiéval Japanese daimyô. The Ôuchi family's raie of Suô and Nagato. New Haven (u.a.): Yale University press, 1979.

Boscaro, Adriana. Notes on the impact of christianity on japanese ways of thought and its rôle in modemization of Japan // Nihon Bunka Kenkyü Ronshü. II (1973). P. 3–7.

Boscaro, Adriana. The first Japanese ambassadors to Europe: political background for a religious joumey H KBS bulletin on Japanese culture (Kokusai-Bunka-Shinkôkai). 103 (1970). P. 1–20.

Boxer, Charles Ralph. The Christian century in Japan, 1549–1650. (Second printing, corrected.) Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1967.

Cooper, Michael. The mechanics of the Macao-Nagasaki silktrade H Monumenta Nipponica. 27 (1972). P. 423–433.

Elison, George. Deus destroyed: the image of Christianity in early modem Japan. Cambridge [Mass., USA]: Harvard University Press, 1973.

Frois, Luis. La Première ambassade du Japon en Europe, 1582–1592. Première partie: Le Traité duPère Frois… [Tratado dos embaixadores japôes que forâo de Japâo à Roma no anno de 1582.] Ouvrage édité et annoté par J. A. Abranches Pinto, Yoshitomo Okamoto, Henri Bernard, S. J. Tokyo: Sophia University, 1942. [Monumenta Nipponica monographs; 6].

Grossberg, Kenneth Alan. Japan's renaissance: the politics of the Muromachi Bakufu. Cambridge, Mass.; London: Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard University, 1981.

Hall, John Whitney. Govemment and local power in Japan, 500-1700: a study based on Bizen province. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1966.

Hata Kôhei. Sen Rikyû, last man of the middle âges H Chanoyu. 16 (1976). P. 47–53.

Higuchi Chiyoko. Fortune fair and fortune cruel [биография Тятя] H East. 8,1(1972). P. 32–39.

Ishii Ryôsuke. Japanese feudalism // Acta Asiatica. 35 (1978). P. 1–29.

Iwao Seiichi. Japanese foreign trade in the 16th and 17th centuries H Acta Asiatica. 30(1976). P. 1–18.

Japan in the Muromachi Age. Edited by John W. Hall and Toyoda Takeshi. Berkeley [etc.]; London: University of California Press, 1977.

KamiyaEiko. Ten Uesugi Kenshin soyô jimbaori IIBijutsu-kenkyû (The Journal of art studies). 259 (1968). P. 89–113.

Kammerer, Albert. La découverte de la Chine par les Portugais au XVI»™ siecle et la cartographie des portulans. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1944.

Kudo Keiichi. Shôen И Acta Asiatica. 44 (1983). P. 1–27.

Mass, Jeffrey P. Warrior govemment in early médiéval Japan: a study of the Kamakura Bakufu, Shugo, and Jitô. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1974.

Médiéval Japan: essays in institutional history. Edited by John W. Hall and Jeffrey P. Mass. New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 1974.

Miura Keiichi. Villages and trade in médiéval Japan H Acta Asiatica. 44 (1983). P. 53–76.

Moréchand, Guy. Taikô Kenchi, le cadastre de Hideyoshi Toyotomi H Bulletin de Г École française d’Extrème-Orient. 53/1 (1966). P. 7–69. PI. 2–7.

Murai Yasuhiko. Sen no Rikyû. Tokyo: Nihon Hôsô Shuppan Kyôkai, 1977.

Murdoch, James. A histoiy of Japan during the century of early foreign intercourse, 1542–1651. By James Murdoch in collaboration with Isoh Yamagata. Kobe, Japan: Published at

the Office of the «Chronicle», 1903.

Ponsonby-Fane, Richard A. B. Kioto in the Momoyama period // Transactions ofthe proceedings ofthe Japan society, London. XXIV (1926–1927). P. 75–170.

Rôhl, Wilhelm. Das Gesetz Takeda Shingen’s H Oriens Extremus. 6 (1959). P. 210–234.

So, Kwan-wai. Japanese piracy in Ming China during the 16th century. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 1975.

Takase Kôichirô. Royal patronage and the propagation of Christianity in Japan H Acta Asiatica. 22 (1972). P. 1–17.

Takase Kôichirô. Unauthorized commercial activities by Jesuit missionaries in Japan H Acta Asiatica 30 (1976). P. 19–33.

They came to Japan an anthology of European reports on Japan, 1543–1640. Edited by Michael Cooper. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1965.

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