Книга Горечь войны, страница 175. Автор книги Найл Фергюсон

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54 War Office, Statistics of the Military Effort, p. 246. Ср. T. Wilson, Myriad Faces, p. 559.

55 Howard, Crisis of the Anglo-German Antagonism, p. 14.

56 Stone, Eastern Front, p. 266.

57 Nagler, Pandora’s Box, p. 14.

58 Dupuy, Genius for War, особенно pp. 328–332.

59 Simpson, Officers, pp. 63–98; Strachan, Morale, p. 389.

60 French D., Meaning of Attrition, p. 386.

61 Cruttwell, History of the Great War, p. 627.

62 Lawrence T. E., Seven Pillars, p. 395.

63 Terraine, Smoke and the Fire, p. 171.

64 Laffin, British Butchers, passim.

65 Bidwell and Graham, Fire-Power, pp. 2f.

66 См. в особенности Travers, Killing Ground, pp. 66, 250.

67 Terraine, White Heat, p. 93.

68 Fuller, Conduct of War, p. 161.

69 Terraine, Smoke and the Fire, p. 179.

70 Edmonds, Official History: Military Operations, vol. I, p. 355; Terraine, Smoke and the Fire, p. 118.

71 Terraine, White Heat, p. 148.

72 Holmes, Last Hurrah, p. 118.

73 Maier, Wargames, p. 267.

74 Williams R., Lord Kitchener, p. 118.

75 Ibid., p. 122. Ср. Terraine, Douglas Haig, p. 154; Philpott, Anglo-French Relations, passim.

76 Edmonds, Short History, p. 89.

77 Maier, Wargames, p. 269.

78 Philpott, Anglo-French Relations, pp. 163f.

79 Trask, AEF and Coalition Warmaking, passim.

80 Hussey, Without an Army, pp. 76, 81.

81 Edmonds, Official History; Military Operations, vol. I, p. 7.

82 Terraine, British Military Leadership, p. 48.

83 Travers, Killing Ground, pp. xx, 23.

84 Wilson T., Myriad Faces, p. 309.

85 Prior, Wilson, Command on the Western Front, pp. 150f.

86 Bourne, Britain and the Great War, p. 171.

87 Travers, Killing Ground, pp. 5f.

88 Ibid., p. 49.

89 Creveld, Command in War, pp. 156f.

90 Ibid., p. 186; а также p. 262.

91 Graham D., Sans Doctrine, pp. 75f.

92 Bidwell, Graham, Fire-Power, p. 3.

93 Ibid., p. 27.

94 Travers, Killing Ground, p. 73; см. также pp. 62, 75.

95 Travers, How the War Was Won, pp. 175–180; Ср. Travers, Killing Ground, p. 111.

96 Griffith, British Fighting Methods, p. 6.

97 Terraine, Substance of the War, p. 8.

98 Edmonds, Official History: Military Operations, vol. I, p. 313.

99 Kennedy, Britain in the First World War, p. 50.

100 Prior, Wilson, Command, pp. 153, 163–166. Зульцбах (Sulzbach, With the German Guns) сообщает, что он начал чувствовать, что контрбатарейный огонь противника может ему угрожать, только ближе к концу войны.

101 Ср. Farndale, History of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, p. 178.

102 Geyer, German Strategy, p. 541.

103 Strachan, Morale, p. 383.

104 Herwig, Dynamics of Necessity, p. 95. 108.

105 См. особенно Griffith, Forward into Battle, p. 78.

106 Классическое, хотя и романтизированное описание см. у Юнгера во “В стальных грозах”.

107 Wynne, If Germany Attacks, p. 5.

108 Travers, How the War Was Won, p. 176.

109 Dupuy, Genius for War, p. 5.

110 Samuels, Command or Control?, p. 3.

111 Ibid., p. 5.

112 См. в целом Samuels, Doctrine and Dogma, p. 175.

113 Gudmunsson, Stormtroop Tactics, pp. 172ff.

114 Bessel, Great War, p. 21.

115 Griffith, Tactical Problem, p. 71.

116 Farndale, History of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, p. 158.

117 Bailey, First World War and the Birth of the Modern Style of Warfare, p. 3.

118 Griffith, British Fighting Methods, p. xii. Ср. Griffith, Battle Tactics.

119 Prior, Wilson, Command, p. 339.

120 Wawro, Morale in the Austro-Hungarian Army, p. 409.

121 Rawling, Surviving Trench Warfare, p. 221.

122 Trask, AEF and Coalition Warmaking, pp. 171–174.

123 Maier, Wargames, p. 273.

124 Johnson, 1918, p. 166.

125 Ibid., p. 167.

126 Ibid., p. 94.

127 Ibid., p. 109.

128 Ibid., p. 112.

129 Strachan, Morale, p. 391.

130 Bickersteth, Bickersteth Diaries, p. 295.

131 Coker, War and the Twentieth Century, p. 120.

132 Johnson J., 1918, p. 189.

133 Ibid., pp. 189f.

134 См. Förster, Dreams and Nightmares.

135 Kennedy, Military Effectiveness, p. 343.

136 Edmonds, Short History, p. 281.

137 Herwig, Dynamics of Necessity, p. 102.

138 Howard, Crisis of the Anglo-German Antagonism, p. 17.

139 Prete, French Military War Aims, pp. 888–898.

Глава 11. “Максимальные жертвы при минимальных затратах”: военные финансы

1 Harvey, Collision of Empires, p. 279.

2 Crow, Man of Push and Go, p. 69.

3 Harvey, Collision of Empires, p. 279.

4 Seligmann, Germany and the Origins, pp. 321f.

5 D. French, Meaning of Attrition, pp. 387f.

6 См., например, Berghahn, Modern Germany, p. 48; Manning, Wages and Purchasing Power, pp. 260, 284f. Обзор см. в Zeidler, Deutsche Kriegsfinanzierung, pp. 415–434.

7 См., например, Kindleberger, Financial History, pp. 291f; Holtfrerich, German Inflation, pp. 118ff.

8 Balderston, War Finance, pp. 222–244.

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