16…называемое «когнитивным диссонансом»… – Dan Ariely in Stephen J. Dubner, “The Upside of Quitting,” Freakonomics (podcast), http://bit.ly/2x8fxoY. См. также Dan Ariely, Predictably Irrational (New York: HarperCollins, 2008).
17…«разумные капитулянты» – Seth Godin, Te Dip: A Little Book That Teaches You When to Quit (and When to Stick) (New York: Penguin, 2007).
18. Если бы мне пришлось назвать один, самый важный фактор… – Steven Levitt in Stephen J. Dubner, “The Upside of Quitting,” Freakonomics (podast), http://bit.ly/2x8fxoY.
19. Я довольно часто бросал то, что у меня не получалось – Levitt, Там же.
20. «Первое, что вам нужно сделать…» – Arkes, Там же.
Глава 7. Неуверенность в себе как суперсила
1. С точки зрения эволюции, это неплохо – Ellen Hendriksen, “Why Everyone Is Insecure (and Why Tat’s Okay),” Scientific American, April 12, 2018, http://bit.ly/2D3sdmv.
2. Следовательно, неуверенность в себе означает… – Anthony D. Hermann, Geoffrey J. Leonardelli, and Robert M. Arkin, “Self-Doubt and Self-Esteem: A Treat from Within,” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 28, no. 3 (2002): 395–408.
3. Один из излюбленных приемов поздних цветов – отсрочка… – Matthew D. Braslow et al., “Self-Doubt,” Social and Personality Psychology Compass 6, no. 6 (2012): 470–82. См. также Sean M. McCrea, Edward R. Hirt, and Bridgett J. Milner, “She Works Hard for the Money: Valuing Effort Underlies Gender Differences in Behavioral Self-Handicapping,” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 44, no. 2 (2008): 292–311; Leah R. Spalding and Curtis D. Hardin, “Unconscious Unease and Self-Handicapping: Behavioral Consequences of Individual Differences in Implicit and Explicit Self-Esteem,” Psychological Science 10, no. 6 (1999): 535–39.
4…«усиление других людей» – там же. См. также James A. Shepperd and Robert M. Arkin, “Behavioral Other-Enhancement: Strategically Obscuring the Link Between Performance and Evaluation,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 60, no. 1 (1991): 79.
5…называется «угроза стереотипа» – там же. См. также Ryan P. Brown and Robert A. Josephs, “A Burden of Proof: Stereotype Relevance and Gender Differences in Math Performance,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 76, no. 2 (1999): 246.
6. Эти психологические приемы люди используют… – неуверенные в себе люди также обращаются к таким стратегиям, как сверхдостижение и «феномен самозванца». Но три стратегии, упомянутые в этой главе – отсрочка, усиление других людей и угроза стереотипа – наиболее характерны для поздних цветов. Сверхдостижение – это, скорее, стратегия ранних цветов.
7…самые умные и наиболее признанные физики… – Joseph C. Hermanowicz, “Scientists and Self-Doubt Across Strata of Academic Science,” Research in Higher Education 46, no. 3 (2005): 309–26.
8. «Когда вы получите два или три отказа…» – там же.
9. «Я говорю себе: я не знаю, что мне делать…» – Meryl Streep, интервью Oprah Winfrey, “Oprah Talks to Meryl Streep, Nicole Kidman and Julianne Moore,” O: The Oprah Magazine, January 2003.
10. «Я написала одиннадцать книг…» – Maya Angelou quoted in Carl Richards, “Learning to Deal with the Impostor Syndrome,” New York Times, October 26, 2015.
11…неуверенность в себе оказывает благотворное воздействие на производительность – Tim Woodman et al., “Self-Confidence and Performance: A Little Self-Doubt Helps,” Psychology of Sport and Exercise 11, no. 6 (2010): 467–70; Deborah L. Feltz and Jared M. Wood, “Can Self-Doubt Be Beneficial to Performance? Exploring the Concept of Preparatory Efficacy,” Open Sports Sciences Journal 2 (2009): 65–70; Alison Ede, Philip J. Sullivan, and Deborah L. Feltz, “Self-Doubt: Uncertainty as a Motivating Factor on Effort in an Exercise Endurance Task,” Psychology of Sport and Exercise 28 (2017): 31–36.
12. В психологии Альберт Бандура – гигант – Steven J. Haggbloom et al., “The 100 Most Eminent Psychologists of the 20th Century,” Review of General Psychology 6, no. 2 (2002): 139. См. также “Eminent Psychologists of the 20th Century,” Monitor on Psychology 33, no. 7 (2002): 29.
13…«ученики должны были сами беспокоиться…» – M. G. Lindzey and W. M. Runyan, eds., A History of Psychology in Autobiography, vol. 9 (American Psychological Association, 2007).
14. …«содержание учебников быстро устаревает…» – там же.
15. «Утром я болтался в библиотеке…» – там же.
16. В 1977 году вышла статья… – Albert Bandura, “Self-Efficacy: Toward a Unifying Theory of Behavioral Change,” Psychological Review 84, no. 2 (1977): 191.
17. Последние несколько десятилетий ученые изучали значение самоуверенности… – Albert Bandura, “Perceived Self-Efficacy in Cognitive Development and Functioning,” Educational Psychologist 28, no. 2 (1993): 117–48; Albert Bandura, “Self-Efficacy Mechanism in Human Agency,” American Psychologist 37, no. 2 (1982): 122; Barry J. Zimmerman, “Self-Efficacy: An Essential Motive to Learn,” Contemporary Educational Psychology 25, no. 1 (2000): 82–91; Alexander D. Stajkovic and Fred Luthans, “Social Cognitive Theory and Self-Efficacy: Implications for Motivation Theory and Practice,” Motivation and Work Behavior 126 (2003): 140; Dale H. Schunk, “Self-Efficacy and Academic Motivation,” Educational Psychologist 26, nos. 3–4 (1991): 207–31; Marilyn E. Gist and Terence R. Mitchell, “Self-Efficacy: A Theoretical Analysis of Its Determinants and Malleability,” Academy of Management Review 17, no. 2 (1992): 183–211; Frank Pajares, “Self-Efficacy Beliefs in Academic Settings,” Review of Educational Research 66, no. 4 (1996): 543–78; Icek Ajzen, “Perceived Behavioral Control, Self-Efficacy, Locus of Control, and the Theory of Planned Behavior,” Journal of Applied Social Psychology 32, no. 4 (2002): 665–83; Karen D. Multon, Steven D. Brown, and Robert W. Lent, “Relation of Self-Efficacy Beliefs to Academic Outcomes: A Meta-Analytic Investigation,” Journal of Counseling Psychology 38, no. 1 (1991): 30; Barry J. Zimmerman, Albert Bandura, and Manuel Martinez-Pons, “Self-Motivation for Academic Attainment: The Role of Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Personal Goal Setting,” American Educational Research Journal 29, no. 3 (1992): 663–76; Alexander D. Stajkovic and Fred Luthans, “Self-Efficacy and Work-Related Performance: A Meta-Analysis,” Psychological Bulletin 124, no. 2 (1998): 240; Ralf Schwarzer, ed., Self-Efficacy: Thought Controlof Action (New York: Routledge, 2014); Maureen R. Weiss, Diane M. Wiese, and Kimberley A. Klint, “Head over Heels with Success: The Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Performance in Competitive Youth Gymnastics,” Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 11, no. 4 (1989): 444–51.
18…в двух самых главных источниках… – V. S. Ramachandran, Encyclopedia of Human Behavior (San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 1994), 4:71–81.
19. Внутри звучит тихий голос – James Hardy, “Speaking Clearly: A Critical Review of the Self-Talk Literature,” Psychology of Sport and Exercise 7, no. 1 (2006): 81–97.