Книга Китайские дети, страница 90. Автор книги Ленора Чу

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Cтраница 90

7. Маленькие солдатики

Interviews include Leland Cogan, Tan Chuanbo, Wang Zheng, William Schmidt, Xie Xiaoqing, Yong Zhao, Zhao Jue.

Bakken, Børge. The Exemplary Society: Human Improvement, Social Control, and the Dangers of Modernity in China. Oxford University Press, 2000.

Barboza, David. “Billions in Hidden Riches for Family of Chinese Leader”. New York Times, October 25, 2012.

Cheung Kwah, Pan S. “Transition of Moral Education in China: Towards Regulated Individualism”. Citizenship Teaching and Learning 2:2 (2006), 37–50.

China Network. “Evolution of Primary School Textbook over the Past 60 Years”. Posted on China.com.cn, July 11, 2009.

Communist Party of China. “Rules of the Communist Party of China on the Development of Communist Party Members”. Posted on cpcnews.cn, undated.

“Relationship between the Communist Party and the Communist Youth League”. Posted on gqt.org.cn, December 29, 2012.

“Seminar on the Implementation of the Document No. 9 Issued by the General Office of CPC Central Committee,” Posted on the Shanghai University of Political Science and Law website, January 23, 2014.

Dai Weisen. “Hong Kong Education System Should Be More Patriotic: Chinese Officials”. Posted on Radio Free Asia website, January 8, 2015.

Darcy. “Walking on the Red Road” letter. Study process at Party school, accessed April 12, 2014.

People’s Congress. “The Regulation of the Young Pioneers of China”. June 3, 2005.

Forsythe, Michael, and Shai Oster. “Xi Jinping Millionaire Relations Reveal Elite Chinese Fortunes”. Bloomberg News, June 29, 2012.

Grammes, Tilman. “Nationalism, Patriotism, Citizenship and Beyond: Questioning the Citizenship Industry”. Journal of Social Science Education 10:1 (2011), 2–11.

Implementation Outline of Patriotism Education. People’s Education Press, 1994.

Jacobs, Andrew. “Chinese Professor Who Advocated Free Speech Is Fired”. New York Times, December 10, 2013.

Johnson, Ian. “Learning How to Argue: An Interview with Ran Yunfei”. New York Review of Books, March 2, 2012.

Jin Hao. “Up to the End of 2015, There Are 88 Million of League Members”. Guangming Daily, May 4, 2016.

King, Gary, et al. “Reverse-Engineering Censorship in China: Randomized Experimentation and Participant Observation”. Science 6199 (2014), 345: 1–10.

Kipnis, Andrew B. Governing Educational Desire: Culture, Politics, and Schooling in China. University of Chicago Press, 2011.

Kondo, Takahiro, and Xiaoyan Wu. “Patriotism as a Goal of School Education in China and Japan”. Journal of Social Science Education 10 (Spring 2011), 1.

Lee, Wing On, and Chi Hang Ho. “Ideopolitical Shifts and Changes in Moral Education Policy in China”. Journal of Moral Education 34:4 (2005), 413–431.

Li Lihong. “Promote ‘Big Youth League Committee,’ Welcome the 18th National Congress of the CPC”. China Youth News, October 10, 2010.

Maosen, Li. “Moral Education in the People’s Republic of China”. Journal of Moral Education 19 (1990), 3.

“Changing Ideological-Political Orientationsin Chinese Moral Education: Some Personal and Professional Reflections”. Journal of Moral Education 40:3 (2011), 387–395.

Mingjing News. “Gao Yu in Leak Case Sentenced to Seven Years”. Posted on chinaaid.net, April 17, 2015.

Phillips, Tom. “ ‘It’s Getting Worse’: China’s Liberal Academics Fear Growing Censorship”. Guardian. August 6, 2015.

Plan of Nine-Year Compulsory Full-Time Primary School Curriculum and Middle School Curriculum. People’s Education Press, 1992.

“Practice and Reflection of Developing High School Student Party Members”. Ideological and Theoretical Education 16 (2009), 1.

Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the CPC. “Patriotism Education Implementation Summary”. People’s Education 10 (1994), 6–9.

Ran Zhang. “By the End of 2015, There Are 88.758 Million Party Members in China”. Jing Hua, July 1, 2016. Reposted on People.com.

Seventh National People’s Congress. “The Law of the People’s Republic of China on the National Flag”. October 1,1990.

Shepherd, Christian. “China Changes Start Date of War with Japan, Says Will Bolster Patriotic Education”. Reuters, January 11, 2017.

Tsang, Mun. Education and National Development in China Since 1949: Oscillating Policies and Enduring Dilemmas. China Review, 2000.

Wang, Zheng. “National Humiliation, History Education, and the Politics of Historical Memory: Patriotic Education Campaign in China”. International Studies Quarterly 52 (2008), 783–806.

Wansheng, Zhan, and Ning Wujie. “The Moral Education Curriculum for Junior High Schools in 21st Century China”. Journal of Moral Education 33 (2004), 4.

Westheimer, Joel. “Should Social Studies Be Patriotic?” Social Education 73:7 (2009), 316–320.

Writing Group of High School Ideology and Politics. Textbook of MOE, Ideology and Politics. People’s Education Press, 2013.

Xinhua News Agency. “Authorized Release: The CPC’s Statistical Communique in 2015”. Posted on Xinhuanet.com, June 30, 2016.

Zang Xiaowei. “Educational Credentials, Élite Dualism, and Élite Stratification in China”. Sociological Perspectives 44:2 (2001) 189–205.

Zhao, Yong. Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Dragon. Jossey-Bass, 2014.

Zhao Wei. “The First Chinese Lesson”. Procuratorial Daily, August 28, 2015.

8. Сто дней до экзамена

Interviews include Guan Yi, Scott Rozelle, Zhang Futao, Zhou Nian Li.

Chan, Kam Wing. “The Household Registration System and Migrant Labor in China: Notes on a Debate”. Population and Development Review 36:2 (2010), 357–364.

“China, Internal Migration”. Encyclopedia of Global Migration. Blackwell Publishing, 2013.

“China’s First Poverty-Alleviation Day. a List of 592 Key Counties of National Poverty Alleviation and Development”. October 17, 2014.

Dahe.cn. “216 Students in Henan Province Have Been Enrolled by Peking University. about 70 % of Gaokao Champions in 18 Cities Have Chosen Peking University. Posted on Dahe.cn, July 21, 2016.

The Economist. “Ending Apartheid, Special Report”. Economist. April 19, 2014.

“Kaifeng: Down and out in rural China”. Economist, August 23, 2014.

Li Shi. “Speech about the Gini Coefficient at the China Economic Development Forum 2016”. Posted on Sina.com, November 19, 2016.

Liu Jinsong. “Peking University Professor: Guangdong and Anhui Students’ Rate of Admission in Peking University Is Only 1 Percent That of Beijing Students”. Economic Observer, June 1, 2012.

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