Книга Естественное лечение кариеса. Реминерализация и восстановление зубов при помощи питания, страница 91. Автор книги Рамиэль Нэйгел

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15. Там же.

16. Roberts, J.F., Attari, N., Milsom, К. M., Tickle, M., and King, D… "Primary Dentition" British Dental Journal 196 (2004): 64–65. 14 Aug. 2007 ‹http://www.nature.com/ bdj/journal/vl96/n2/full/4810920a.html›.

17. Mellanby, E. Nutrition and Disease – The Interaction of Clinical and Experimental Work. London: Oliver And Boyd, 1934. Chapter 11. Print.

18. Breiner, M. Whole Body Dentistry Quantum Health Press: 1999:212–213.

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20. Там же, стр. 86.

21. Там же, стр. 192.

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23. Policy on Early Childhood Caries (ECC): Classifications, Consequences, and Preventive Strategies Reference Manual V 31 / NO 6 09 / 10 http://www. aapd.org/media/ Policies_Guidelines/P_ECCClassifications.pdf

24. "American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry-Media Information." PRESS RELEASE: Breastfeeding and Infant Tooth Decay. Apr. 1999. Web. 06 Oct. 2010. ‹http://www. aapd.org/media/ pressreleases/breastfeeding-99.asp›.

25. The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding. La Leche League International; 2003: 246.

26. Palmer, Brian. «Breastfeeding and Infant Caries.» Brian Palmer, DDS. 14 Aug. 2007 ‹http://www.brianpalmerdds.com/caries.htm›

27. "Mouth Breathing – The Root Cause?." Nose Breathe Mouthpiece: Health Benefits of Nasal Breathing. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Oct. 2010. ‹http://www.nosebreathe.com/mouthbreathing.html ›

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