Книга Испания. Полная история страны, страница 69. Автор книги Рамон Наварете

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Онлайн книга «Испания. Полная история страны»

Cтраница 69

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MACKAY Angus. Spain in the Middle Ages. London, 1977.

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MORENO JULIA Xavier. La División Azul: Sangre española en Rusia, 1941–1945. Barcelona, 2005.

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PAYNE Stanley George. The Franco Regime, 1936–1975. University of Wisconsin Press, 1987.

PAYNE Stanley George. Franco: el perfil de la historia. Madrid, 1992.

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PEREZ Joseph. Isabelle et Ferdinand, rois catholiques d’Espagne. Paris, 1988.

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SALLÉ Alexandre. Vie politique du prince de Talleyrand. Paris, 1834.

SANCHEZ MANTERO Rafael. Fernando VII. Madrid, 2001.

SAZ CAMPOS Ismael. Fascismo y franquismo. Valencia, 2004.

SCHMIDT Marie-France. Isabelle la Catholique. Paris, 2014.

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SMITH Angel. Historical dictionary of Spain. Toronto-Plymouth, 2009.

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WALSH William Thomas. Isabella of Spain. Londres, 1931.

WILSON Robert Anderson. A New History of the Conquest of Mexico. Philadelphia, 1859.

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