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Дополнительное чтение:
Trickey, Ruth, Women, Hormones and the Menstrual Cycle, Trickey Enterprises (Victoria) Pty Limited, 2011.
Harvey, Shannon, The Whole Health Life, Whole Health Life Publishing, 2016
Naish, Francesca, Natural Fertility, Milner Health Series, Sally Milner Publishing, first published 1991, Fourth Edition 2012.
Collins, Gretchen Garbe, & Rossi, Brooke V., The impact of lifestyle modifications, diet, and vitamin supplementation on natural fertility, Fertility Research and Practice, 2015 1:11 doi.org/10.1186/s40738-015-0003-4
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Fertility Society of Australia fact sheet: The role of exercise in improving fertility, quality of life and emotional well-being. yourfertility.org.au/Therole-of-exercise-in-improving-fertility.pdf
Dr Sara Gottfried MD: 15 reasons to rethink red meat. www.saragottfriedmd.com/ 15-reasons-to-rethink-red-meat/
US Food and Drug Administration (2004, November): How to Understand and Use the Nutrition Facts Label. www.fda.gov/ food/ingredientspackaginglabeling/ labelingnutrition/ucm274593.htm
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Мы бы хотели поблагодарить нашего графического дизайнера Люсиль Грант (Lucille Grant), которая превзошла себя, чтобы эта книга увидела свет. И прежде всего за то, что ты нас познакомила.
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