38. Рона Шварцберг, советник по образованию Американской академии антивозрастной медицины, интервью автора.
39. Weintraub, Selling the Fountain of Youth.
40. Adriane Fugh-Berman, “Should Family Physicians Screen for Testosterone Defi ciency in Men?” American Family Physician 91, no. 4 (2015): 227–228; J. J. Heidelbaugh, “Should Family Physicians Screen for Testosterone Defi ciency in Men? Yes: screening for testosterone defi ciency is worthwhile for most older men,” American Family Physician 91, no. 4 (2015): 220–221.
41. Arlene Weintraub, “What’s Next For The Thousands Of Angry Men Suing Over Testosterone?” Forbes online, April 6, 2015,; Arlene Weintraub, “AbbVie Challenges Fairness of Upcoming Testosterone Trials,” Forbes online, August 17, 2015, Arlene Weintraub, “Testosterone Suits Soar Past 2,500 As Legal Milestone Looms For AbbVie,” Forbes online, October 30, 2015,; Arlene Weintraub, “Why All Those Testosterone Ads Constitute Disease Mongering,” Forbes online, March 24, 2015,
42. Lisa Schencker, “AbbVie Must Pay $150 Million over Testosterone Drug, Jury Decides,” Chicago Tribune, July 24, 2017,
43. Доктор Питер Клопфер, интервью автора.
Глава тринадцатая. Окситоцин: это прекрасное чувство любви
Эта глава написана на основе интервью с доктором Питером Клопфером, почетным профессором биологии Университета Дюка; доктором Кортом Педерсеном, профессором психиатрии и нейробиологии Университета Северной Каролины; и доктором Робертом Фромке, до центом нейробиологии Нью-Йоркского университета, в чьей лаборатории я побывала. Доктор Гидеон Нейв, до цент маркетинга Уортоновской школы Пенсильванского университета, помог мне разобраться со статистикой. Док тор Стив Чанг, доцент психологии и нейробиологии Йельского университета, рассказал мне о своей работе с обезьянами и окситоцином; доктор Дженнифер Барц, доцент психологии Университета Макгилла, говорила со мной о связи окситоцина и аутизма. Также я взяла интервью у доктора Майкла Платта, профессора антропологии Пенсильванского университета, и доктора Джеймса Хайэма, главного исследователя репродуктивной экологии и эволюции приматов Нью-Йоркского университета.
1. John G. Simmons, “Henry Dale: Discovering the First Neurotransmitter,” chapter in Doctors and Discoveries: Lives that Created Today’s Medicine (Boston: Houghton Miffl in Harcourt, 2002), 238–427.
2. H. O. Schild, “Dale and the Development of Pharmacology: Lecture given at Sir Henry Dale Centennial Symposium, Cambridge, 17–19 September 1975,” British Journal of Pharmacology 120, Suppl. 1 (1997): 504–508;
3. Sir Henry Dale, “On Some Physiological Aspects of Ergot,” Journal of Physiology 34: 163–206.
4. Mavis Gunther, “The Posterior Pituitary and Labour,” letter to the editor, British Medical Journal 1948, no. 1: 567.
5. Peter H. Klopfer, “Mother Love: What Turns It On? Studies of Maternal Arousal and Attachment in Ungulates May Have Implications for Man,” American Scientist 59, no. 4 (1971): 404–407.
6. David Gubernick and Peter H. Klopfer, eds., Parental Care in Mammals (New York: Plenum Press, 1981).
7. Klopfer, “Mother Love.”
8. E. B. Keverne et al., “Vaginal Stimulation: An Important Determinant of Maternal Bonding in Sheep,” Science 219, no. 4580 (1983): 81–83.
9. M. L. Boccia et al., “Immunohistochemical Localization of Oxytocin Receptors in Human Brain,” Neuroscience 253 (2013): 155–164; Cort Pedersen et al., “Intranasal Oxytocin Blocks Alcohol Withdrawal in Human Subjects,” Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 37, no. 3 (2013): 484–489; Cort A. Pedersen, Oxytocin in Maternal, Sexual and Social Behaviors (New York: New York Academy of Sciences, 1992).
10. Доктор Корт Педерсен, интервью автора.
11. C. A. Pedersen et al., “Oxytocin Antiserum Delays Onset of Ovarian Steroid-Induced Maternal Behavior,” Neuropeptides 6 (1985): 175–182; E. van Leengoed, E. Kerker, and H. H. Swanson, “Inhibition of Postpartum Maternal Behavior in the Rat by Injecting an Oxytocin Antagonist into the Cerebral Ventricles,” Journal of Endocrinology 112 (1987): 275–282.
12. Pedersen, Oxytocin in Maternal, Sexual and Social Beha viors.
13. D. M. Witt et al., “Enhanced Social Interactions in Rats Following Chronic, Centrally Infused Oxytocin,” Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 43, no. 3 (1992): 855–861.
14. C. S. Carter and L. L. Getz, “Monogamy and the Prairie Vole,” Scientifi c American 268, no. 6 (1993): 100–106.
15. M. S. Carmichael et al., “Plasma Oxytocin Increases in the Human Sexual Response,” Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 64, no. 1 (1987): 27–31.
16. C. S. Carter, Hormones and Sexual Behavior (Stroudsburg, PA: Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, 1974).
17. A. S. McNeilly et al., “Release of Oxytocin and Prolactin in Response to Suckling,” British Medical Journal (Clinical Research Edition) 286, no. 6361 (1983): 257–259.
18. M. M. Kosfeld et al., “Oxytocin Increases Trust in Humans,” Nature 435, no. 7042 (2005): 673–676.
19. P. J. Zak, The Moral Molecule: How Trust Works (New York: Plume, 2012); V. Noot, 35 Tips for a Happy Brain: How to Boost Your Oxytocin, Dopamine, Endorphins, and Serotonin (CreateSpace, 2015).
20. Paul J. Zak, “Why Love Sometimes Sucks,” Huffi ngton Post, December 5, 2012, http://www.huffi paul-j-zak/why-love-sometimes-sucks_b_1504253.html.
21. Ed Yong, “The Weak Science Behind the Wrongly Named Moral Molecule,” Atlantic, November 13, 2015.
22. Гидеон Нейв, интервью автора.
23. Hans Lisser to Dr. Cushing, July 19, 1921.