Книга Правила еды. Передовые идеи в области питания, которые позволят предотвратить распространенные заболевания, страница 87. Автор книги Колин Кэмпбелл, Говард Джейкобсон

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Онлайн книга «Правила еды. Передовые идеи в области питания, которые позволят предотвратить распространенные заболевания»

Cтраница 87

16 Austoker, J. The “treatment of choice”: breast cancer surgery 1860–1985. Soc. Soc. Hist. Med. Bull. (London) 37, 100–107 (1985).

17 Hayward, J. The principles of conservative treatment for early breast cancer. Handlinger 141, 168–171 (1981).

18 Hoffman, F. L. Fallacies of birth control, in Delaware Medical Society (Dover, Delaware, 1926).

19 Hoffman, F. L. “The Menace to Cancer” and American vital statistics. Lancet, 1079–1083 (1914).

20 Hoffman, F. L., in Jubliee Historical Volume of the American Public Health Association (ed. M. P. Ravenel), 94–117 (1921).

21 Hoffman, F. L. National health insurance and the medical profession (1920).

22 Rosen, G. A history of public health: MD monographs on medical history, Vol. 1. (MD Publications, 1958).

23 Hoffman, F. L. The mortality from consumption to the dusty trade. US Bureau of Labor Bulletin No. 79 (Washington DC, 1908).

24 Hoffman, F. L. in Fifth Annual Welfare and Efficiency Conference (Harrisburg, PA, 1917).

25 Cameron, V. & Long, E. R. Tuberculosis medical research (1959).

26 Triolo, V. A. & Riegel, I. L. The American Association for Cancer Research, 1907–1940. Historical review. Cancer Res. 21, 137–167 (1961).

27 Rigney, E. H. The American Society for the Control of Cancer, 1913–1943 (New York City Cancer Committee Publ., 1944).

28 British Empire Cancer Campaign. Notes on cancer (Chorley & Pickersgill, Ltd., 1923).

29 Lakeman, C. E. Cancer as a public health problem (cited in Triolo and Shimkin, 1969) (1914).

30 Handley, W. S. The genesis and prevention of cancer (John Murray, 1955).

31 Soper, G. A. A recent English opinion on cancer. A review of a series of lectures delivered under the auspices of the Fellowship of Medicine, London, 1925 (American Society for the Control of Cancer, 1926).

32 Soper, G. A., in International symposium, American Society for the Control of Cancer, 148–154 (Lake Mohonk, NY, 1926).

33 Lilienthal, H., in International symposium, 308–317.

34 Handley, W. S., in International symposium, 22–30.

35 Hoffman, F. L. Personal lecture: On the causation of cancer. April 17, 1924, in American Association for Cancer Research (Buffalo, NY, 1924).

36 Hoffman, F. L. Radium (mesothorium) necrosis. JAMA 85, 961–965 (1925).

37 Hoffman, F. L. Personal lecture: Cancer in Mexico, in American Association for Cancer Research Meetings (Rochester, NY, 1927).

38 Lambe, W. Reports on the effects of a peculiar regimen on scirrhous tumors and cancerous ulcers (J. M’Creary, 1809).

39 Celsus. de Celsus Medicina. Cited by Lambe, W. Additional reports on the effects of a peculiar regimen in cases of cancer, scrofula, consumption, asthma, and other chronic diseases (J. Mawman, 1815).

40 Erasmus, W. The history of Middlesex Hospital (John Churchill, 1845). Ch. 137–144.

41 Spencer, C. Vegetarianism, a history (Four Walls Eight Windows, 1993).

42 Bennett, J. H. On cancerous and cancroid growths (Sutherland and Knox, 1849).

43 Bennett, J. H. Clinical lectures on the principles and practice of medicine, 4th ed. (Adam and Charles Black, 1865).

44 MacIlwain, G. The general nature and treatment of tumors (John Churchill, 1845).

45 Shaw, J. The cure of cancer: and how surgery blocks the way (F. S. Turney, 1907).

46 Walshe, W. H. The nature and treatment of cancer (Taylor and Walton, 1846).

47 Howard, J. Practical observations on cancer (J. Hatchard, 1811).

48 Thomson, W. B. Cancer: is it preventable? (Chatto and Winders, 1932).

49 Burkitt, D. P. & Trowell, H. C. Refined carbohydrate foods and disease: some implications of dietary fibre (Academic Press, 1975).

50 Braithwaite, J., in What is the root cause of cancer (ed. F. T. Marwood). 27–31 (John Bale, Sons and Danielson, Ltd., 1924).

51 Hare, F. The food factor in disease. Vol. II (Longmans, Green and Company, 1905).

52 Williams, W. R. The natural history of cancer, with special references to its causation and prevention (William Heinemann, 1908).

53 Lambe, W. Additional reports on the effects of a peculiar regimen in cases of cancer, scrofula, consumption, asthma, and other chronic diseases (J. Mawman, 1815).

54 Li, J.-Y. Epidemiology of esophageal cancer in China. Natl. Cancer Inst. Monograph 62, 113–120 (1982).

55 Wiseman, R. Several Chirurgicall Treatises (E. Flesher and J. Macock, 1676).

Глава 3

1 MacIlwain, G. The general nature and treatment of tumors (John Churchill, 1845).

2 MacIlwain, G. Memoirs of John Abernethy, F.R.S., with a view of his lectures, writings and character (Harper & Brothers, 1853).

3 Rabagliati, A. The causes of cancer and the means to be adopted for its prevention (C. W. Daniel Company, 1924).

4 Russell, R. Preventable cancer. Statistical research (Longmans, Green and Co., 1912).

5 Thomson, W. B. Cancer: is it preventable? (Chatto and Winders, 1932).

6 Williams, W. R. The principles of cancer and tumor formation (John Bale and Sons, 1888).

7 Barker, J. E. Cancer, how it is caused: how it can be prevented. Introduced by Sir W. Arbuthnot Lane (Murray, 1924).

8 Russell, F. A. R. The reduction of cancer (1907). Franklin Classics.

9 Campbell, T. C. Cancer prevention and treatment by wholistic nutrition. J. Nat. Sci. Oct 3, e448 (2017).

10 Hoffman, F. L. Cancer and diet (Williams and Wilkins Co., 1937).

11 Bulkley, L. D. Cancer and its non-surgical treatment (1921). William Wood & Co.

12 Hoffman, F. L., in The Belgian National Cancer Congress. Brussels, Belgium, Conf. Proceedings.

13 Hoffman, F. L. Personal lecture: On the causation of cancer. April 17, 1924, in American Association for Cancer Research (Buffalo, NY, 1924).

14 Hoffman, F. L. San Francisco survey. Preliminary and final reports (Prudential Press, 1924–1934).

15 Williams, W. R. The natural history of cancer, with special references to its causation and prevention. (William Heinemann, 1908).

16 Bell, B. A system of surgery (Elliot, C., 1784). Cited in Williams, W. R. The principles of cancer and tumor formation (John Bale and Sons, 1888).

17 Lambe, W. Reports on the effects of a peculiar regimen on scirrhous tumors and cancerous ulcers (J.M’Creary, 1809).

18 Lambe, W. Additional reports on the effects of a peculiar regimen in cases of cancer, scrofula, consumption, asthma, and other chronic diseases (J. Mawman, 1815).

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