Книга Краткая история династий Китая, страница 58. Автор книги Гасконе Бамбер

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Онлайн книга «Краткая история династий Китая»

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Список цитированной литературы

Данный список отнюдь не избранная библиография и не полный перечень всех тех книг, которые были использованы при работе над этой книгой. Это просто список тех работ — источников цитат, на которые я ссылаюсь в примечаниях.

Backhouse, Е. & Bland, J. О. Р. Annals and Memoirs of the Court of Beijing. London, 1914.

Вary, William T. de. Sources of Chinese Tradition. 2 vols. New York, 1964.

Bauer, Wolfgang & Franke, Herbert. The Golden Casket: Chinese Novellas of Two Millennia. London, 1965.

Bingham, Woodbridge. The Founding of the T’ang Dynasty. Baltimore, 1941.

Bodde, Derk. China’s First Unifier. Hong Kong, 1967.

Bretschneider E. Mediaeval Researches from Eastern Asiatic Sources. 2 vols. London, 1888.

Bush, Susan. The Chinese Literati on Painting (1037-1636). Cambridge, Mass., 1971.

Bushell, Stephen W. Description of Chinese Pottery and Porcelain, Oxford, 1910.

Cameron, Nigel. Barbarians and Mandarins, Thirteen Centuries of Western Travellers in China. New York, 1970.

Carter; Thomas P. The Invention of Printing in China and its Spread Westwards. New York, 1925.

Chen, Kenneth. Buddhism in China. Princeton, 1964.

Cheng Te-k'un. Archaeology in China. 3 vols. Cambridge, 1959-63.

Collis, Maurice. Foreign Mud, London, 1946.

Confucius, (1). The Analects, translated by Arthur Waley. London, 1938.

Confucius, (2). The Wisdom of Confucius, translated by Lin Yutang. London, 1958.

Creel, Herrlee Glessner, (1). The Birth of China, London, 1936.

Creel, H. G., (2). Confucius, the Man and the Myth. London, 1951.

Creel, H. G., (3). The Origins of Statecraft in China. Chicago, 1970.

Ennin’s Diary: The Record of a Pilgrimage to China in Search of the Law, translated by Edwin O. Reischauer. New York, 1955.

Fairbank, John K., (ed). Chinese Thought and Institutions, Chicago, 1957.

Fitzgerald, С. P. The Birth of Communist China. Harmondsworth, 1967.

Garner; Sir Harry. Oriental Blue and White. London, 1970.

Gernet, Jacques. Daily Life in China on the Eve of the Mongol Invasion. London, 1962.

Gulik, R. H. van. Sexual Life in Ancient China, Leiden, 1961.

Han Fei Tzu. Basic Writings, translated by Burton Watson. New York, 1964.

Hsu, Francis L. K. Under the Ancestors’ Shadow. New York, 1948.

Hsun Tzu. Basic Writings, translated by Burton Watson. New York, 1963.

Hunter, W. C. The «Fan Kwae» at Canton before Treaty Days. London, 1882.

I-Li, or Book of Etiquette and Ceremonial, translated by John Steele. 2 vols. London, 1917.

Jenyns, Soame. Later Chinese Porcelain. London, 1965.

Karlgren, Bernhard. Sound and Symbol in Chinese (revised ed.). Hong Kong, 1971.

Kracke, E. A. Civil Service in Early Song China. Cambridge, Mass., 1953.

Legge, James. The Chinese Classics. 5 vols. Hong Kong, 1861-7.

Li Po. The Works of Li Po, translated by Shigeyoshi Obata. New York, 1922.

Lin Yu tang, (1). The Chinese Theory of Art. London, 1967.

Lin Yutang, (2). The Gay Genius: The Life and Times of SuTungpo. London, 1948.

Liu, James T. C., (1). Ou-yang Hsiu. Stanford, 1967.

Liu, J. Т. C., (2). Reform in Song China. Cambridge, Mass., 1959.

Liu Wu-chi. An Introduction to Chinese Literature. Bloomington, 1966.

Macartney, Lord. An Embassy to China: journal. Ed. J. L. Cranmer-Byng. London, 1962.

Malone, Carroll В. History of the Beijing Summer Palaces under the Ch’ing Dynasty. Urbana, 1934.

Mo Tzu. Basic Writings, translated by Burton Watson. New York, 1963.

Mote, F. W. The Poet Kao Ch’i. Princeton, 1962.

Needham, Joseph. Science and Civilisation in China. 4 vols. Cambridge, 1954-71.

Pan Ku. The History of the Former Han Dynasty, translated by Homer H. Dubs. 3 vols. Baltimore, 1938-55.

Pel is si er, Roger: The Awakening of China. London, 1967.

Polo, Marco. The Description of the World. Ed. A. C. Moule and Paul Pelliot. London, 1938.

Reischauer, Edwin O.. & Fairbank, John K. East Asia: The Great Tradition. London, 1960.

Ricci, Matthew. China in the Sixteenth Century: the journals of Matthew Ricci, translated by Louis J. Gallagher. New York, 1953.

Ripa, Matteo. Memoirs, selected and translated by F. Prandi. London, 1844.

Shang. The Book of Lord Shang, translated by J. J. L. Duyvendak. London, 1928.

Sima Qian. Records of the Grand Historian of China, translated by Burton Watson. 2 vols. New York, 1962.

Siren, Osvald. Chinese Painting: Leading Masters and Principles. 7 vols. London, 1956.

Smith, D. Howard. Confucius. London, 1973.

Spence, Jonathan. K’ang-Hsi, Emperor of China. New York, 1975.

Stein, Aurel. Serindia. 5 vols. Oxford, 1921.

Те-ling, Princess. Two Years in the Forbidden City. London, 1912.

Teng Ssu-yu & Fairbank John K. China’s Response to the West. Cambridge, Mass., 1954.

Ts’ien, Tsuen-hsuin. Written on Bamboo and Silk. Chicago, 1962.

Waley, Arthur; (1). The Book of Songs. London, 1937.

Waley, A., (2). Chinese Poems. London, 1946.

Waley, A., (3). The Life and Times of Po Chu-i. London, 1949.

Waleyp A., (4). The Opium War through Chinese Eyes. London, 1958.

Waley, A., (5). The Way and its Power. London, 1934.

Waley, A., (6). Three Ways of Thought in Ancient China. London, 1939.

Watson, Burton, (1). Early Chinese Literature. New York, 1962.

Watson, В., (2). Ssu-ma Ch’ien, Grand Historian of China. New York, 1958.

Watson, William. Ancient Chinese Bronzes. London, 1962.

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