Серия книг «Австралийские миллионеры»
Линдсей Армстронг
Lindsay Armstrong (b. South Africa) is a popular South African-Australian writer of over 65 romance novels. She published her novels in Mills & Boon's since 1981.
Lindsay Armstrong born in South Africa. She work in an agency and an airline, when she met a New Zealand-born man, who worked in West Africa, and six months later he was her husband. Their first three children were born in South Africa, they had other two children, one in London, England, and one in Australia. Lindsay currently lives in Australia, although she travels much and she visits Africa ...
Максин Салливан
Максин Салливан в настоящее время живет в Мельбурне, Австралия, но на протяжении многих лет она путешествовала в Новой Зеландии, Великобритании и США. Максин состоит в браке с Джеффом, который доказал свой статус героя много раз на протяжении многих лет. У них двое сыновей и большой приют для брошенных животных.
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