Книга История пива. От монастырей до спортбаров, страница 50. Автор книги Мика Риссанен, Юха Тахванайнен

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Bergkvist, L., The Flipside of the Sponsorship Coin. Do You Still Buy the Beer When the Brewer Underwrites a Rival Team? Journal of Advertising Research, March 2012, с. 65–73.

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Wagner, D., Kulturbier. Deutsche Kultur in der Bierplakatwebung (Finnische Beiträge zur Germanistik 10), Frankfurt am Main 2003.

FootballEconomy.Com (www.footballeconomy.com).

Kenneth Cortsen (kennethcortsen.com).

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Kenneth Cortsen, University College Nordjylland

André Bühler, Deutsches Institut für Sportmarketing

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