Книга Голубые зоны на практике. Как стать долгожителем, страница 88. Автор книги Дэн Бюттнер

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Chrysohoou, C., C. Pitsavos, D. Panagiotakos, J. Skoumas, G. Lazaros, E. Oikonomou, N. Galiatsatos, M. Striggou, M. Xynogala, and C. Stefanadis. Long-Term Fish Intake Preserves Kidney Function in Elderly Individuals: The Ikaria Study. Journal of Renal Nutrition (July 2013), 75–82.

Chrysohoou, C., J. Skoumas, C. Pitsavos, C. Masoura, G. Siasos, N. Galiatsatos, T. Psaltopoulou, et al. Long-Term Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet Reduces the Prevalence of Hyperuricaemia in Elderly Individuals, Without Known Cardiovascular Disease: The Ikaria Study. Maturitas (September 2011), 58–64.

Chrysohoou, C., G. Tsitsinakis, G. Siassos, T. Psaltopoulou, N. Galiatsatos, V. Metaxa, G. Lazaros, et al. Fish Consumption Moderates Depressive Symptomatology in Elderly Men and Women from the IKARIA Study. Cardiology Research and Practice (2011), article ID 219578.

Covas, M. I., V. Konstantinidou, and M. Fitó. Olive Oil and Cardiovascular Health. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology (December 2009), 477–82.

Kavouras, S. A., D. B. Panagiotakos, C. Pitsavos, C. Chrysohoou, G. Arnaoutis, Y. Skoumas, and C. Stefanadis. Physical Activity and Adherence to Mediterranean Diet Increase Total Antioxidant Capacity: The ATTICA Study. Cardiology Research and Practice (2011), article ID 248626.

Lasa, A., J. Miranda, M. Bulló, R. Casas, J. Salas-Salvadó, I. Larretxi, R. Estruch, V. Ruiz-Gutiérrez, and M. P. Portillo. Comparative Effect of Two Mediterranean Diets versus a Low-Fat Diet on Glycaemic Control in Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Epub February 12, 2014) [ahead of print].

Martín-Peláez, S., M. I. Covas, M. Fitó, A. Kušar, and I. Pravst. Health Effects of Olive Oil Polyphenols: Recent Advances and Possibilities for the Use of Health Claims. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research (May 2013), 760–71.

Naska, A., E. Oikonomou, A. Trichopoulou, T. Psaltopoulou, and D. Trichopoulos. Siesta in Healthy Adults and Coronary Mortality in the General Population. Archives of Internal Medicine (February 12, 2007), 296–301.

Oikonomou, E., C. Chrysohoou, D. Tsiachris, G. Vogiatzi, E. Gialafos, G. Marinos, G. Tsitsinakis, et al. Gender Variation of Exercise-Induced Anti-Arrhythmic Protection: The Ikaria Study. QJM (December 2011), 1035–43.

Pryde, M. M., and W. B. Kannel. Efficacy of Dietary Behavior Modification for Preserving Cardiovascular Health and Longevity. Cardiology Research and Practice (2011), article ID 820457.

Siasos, G., C. Chrysohoou, D. Tousoulis, E. Oikonomou, D. Panagiotakos, M. Zaromitidou, K. Zisimos, et al. The Impact of Physical Activity on Endothelial Function in Middle-Aged and Elderly Subjects: The Ikaria Study. Hellenic Journal of Cardiology (March – April 2013), 94–101.

Siasos, G., E. Oikonomou, C. Chrysohoou, D. Tousoulis, D. Panagiotakos, M. Zaromitidou, K. Zisimos, et al. Consumption of a Boiled Greek Type of Coffee Is Associated With Improved Endothelial Function: The Ikaria Study. Vascular Medicine (April 2013), 55–62.

Sofi, F., C. Macchi, R. Abbate, G. F. Gensini, and A. Casini. Mediterranean Diet and Health Status: An Updated Meta-Analysis and a Proposal for a Literature-Based Adherence Score. Public Health Nutrition (Epub November 29, 2013), 14 pp.

Tyrovolas, S., and D. B. Panagiotakos. The Role of Mediterranean Type of Diet on the Development of Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease in the Elderly: A Systematic Review. Maturitas (February 2010), 122–30.


Исследования, основанные на данных национальных опросов

Akisaka, M., L. Asato, Y. C. Chan, M. Suzuki, T. Uezato, and S. Uamamoto. Energy and Nutrient Intakes of Okinawan Centenarians. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology (June 1996), 241–48.

Shibata, H., H. Nagai, H. Haga, S. Yasumura, T. Suzuki, and Y. Suyama. Nutrition for the Japanese Elderly. Nutrition and Health (April 1992), 165–75.

Willcox, B. J., D. C. Willcox, H. Todoriki, A. Fujiyoshi, K. Yano, Q. He, J. D. Curb, and M. Suzuki. Caloric Restriction, the Traditional Okinawan Diet, and Healthy Aging: The Diet of the World’s Longest-Lived People and Its Potential Impact on Morbidity and Life Span. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (October 2007), 434–55.

Научная литература, в которой описываются типичные продукты традиционной окинавской диеты и ее потенциальные преимущества

Arakaki, H., and H. Sho. Nutritional Survey on Kumejima. The Science Bulletin of the Division of Agriculture, Home Economics & Engineering, University of the Ryukyus (December 1962), 327–34.

Mano, R., A. Ishida, Y. Ohya, H. Todoriki, S. Takishita. Dietary Intervention With Okinawan Vegetables Increased Circulating Endothelial Progenitor Cells in Healthy Young Women. Atherosclerosis (June 2009), 544–48.

Moriguchi, E. H., Y. Moriguchi, and Y. Yamori. Impact of Diet on the Cardiovascular Risk Profile of Japanese Immigrants Living in Brazil: Contributions of the World Health Organization CARDIAC and MONALISA Studies. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology (December 2004), S5–7.

Sho, H. History and Characteristics of Okinawan Longevity Food. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition (June 2001), 159–64.

Suzuki, M., B. J. Willcox, and D. C. Willcox. Implications From and For Food Cultures for Cardiovascular Disease Longevity. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition (June 2001), 164–71.

Suzuki, M., D. C. Willcox, M. W. Rosenbaum, and B. J. Willcox. Oxidative Stress and Longevity in Okinawa: An Investigation of Blood Lipid Peroxidation and Tocopherol in Okinawan Centenarians. Current Gerontology and Geriatrics Research (2010), article ID 380460, 10 pp.

Willcox, D. C., G. Scapagnini, and B. J. Willcox. Healthy Aging Diets Other Than the Mediterranean: A Focus on the Okinawan Diet. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development (Epub January 21, 2014) [ahead of print].

Willcox, D. C., B. J. Willcox, and M. Suzuki. The Okinawa Program: Learn the Secrets to Healthy Longevity. Three Rivers Press, 2001.

Willcox, D. C., B. J. Willcox, H. Todoriki, and M. Suzuki. The Okinawan Diet: Health Implications of a Low-Calorie, Nutrient-Dense, Antioxidant-Rich Dietary Pattern Low in Glycemic Load. Journal of the American College of Nutrition (August 2009), 500S–516S.

Yamori, Y., A. Miura, and K. Taira. Implications From and For Food Cultures for Cardiovascular Diseases: Japanese Food, Particularly Okinawan Diets. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition (June 2001), 144–45.

Ограничение калорий и долголетие среди обитателей Окинавы

Gavrilova, N. S., and L. A. Gavrilov. Comments on Dietary Restriction, Okinawa Diet and Longevity. Gerontology (April 2012), 221–23.

Willcox, B. J., D. C. Willcox, H. Todoriki, K. Yano, J. D. Curb, and M. Suzuki. Caloric Restriction, Energy Balance and Healthy Aging in Okinawans and Americans: Biomarker Differences in Septuagenarians. Okinawan Journal of American Studies (2007), 62–74.

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